you swear in front of him {little}

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You were currently making yourself a cup of tea with Tom watching you as he sat at the kitchen table. You grabbed the cup and it burned you because it was obviously hot.

"Fuck!" You hissed as you held you hand.

"Excuse me?" You looked over at Tom as he stood up and came over to you.

"It hurt me!" You exclaimed up at him.

"That's no reason to say bad words, Little One. Are you okay?" You brought your hand up to Tom so he kissed it.

"Once you're done you're getting spankies." He said like it was nothing causing you to silently stomp your foot.

"Lots and lots of spankies." He said as he sat down and continued reading the Daily Profit.

Great. Now I'm in a lot of trouble. Way to go, Y/N!

At least you get spankies.


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