road trip {male oc}

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Since you could drive you wanted to go on a road trip. You had everything planned and packed the night before and it was all in the car.

"Tom!" You screamed at the top of lungs. Tom was in his office planning.

"Baby!" You screamed again as you got closer to his office.

"What?" He yelled so you ran to his office.

"Babe! Do you wanna go out to eat with me?" You questioned as you leaned against the door frame. It wasn't a complete scam, you were going to take him to eat, in a few hours.


"Take your stuff! It's a long drive!" You nodded.

This better work.

You really wanted to go on this road trip and you knew Tom wouldn't be about it if he knew.

Once Tom gathered his belongs he looked at you.

"Go out to the car, I'll be out in a minute." He nodded.

Once you heard the front door close you made sure you had everything and everything was off and whatnot. When you were satisfied you went outside to the car after locking the door.

Everything is going to be just fine. Hopefully.

"Have you seen my shorts? I was going to put some on because it's so hot." Tom asked.

"Nope." They were in the trunk of the car.

He turned to you as you continued driving, you didn't even know where you were going.

"Are you hiding something from me?" He questioned causing you to glance at him.

"Of course not."

"Love." You hummed.

"Are my shorts in the trunk?"

"No, they're probably in my drawer." You nodded.

Good lie, Y/N! Good lie!

"Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, pull over right now." So you did slowly.

Tom noticed you weren't talking his head off like you usually are. Also wanting to go out to eat, you usually didn't want to.

Once you parked the car, Tom grabbed your jaw and made you look at him.

"You have really pretty eyes." He said trying to get you to tell him what you're hiding.

"Thank you."

"Where are we going?" He asked sweetly.

"Out to eat."

"Baby." That's when you couldn't take it, you spilled the beans.

"Okay fine! I wanted to go on a road trip and I knew you wouldn't want to!" You exclaimed as he still held your jaw.

"So you basically kidnapped me so I would go on a road trip with you?" He questioned.


He let go of you and smiled at you.

"So where are we going?"

"That's a good question." You nodded as you grabbed the steering wheel.

"Why don't we actually go eat and then figure it out, yeah?"

You nodded.


So that's what yous two did. After three days you got sick of the road trip and wanted to go back home so Tom made sure yous were close so you could get home faster.

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