ice [NSFW]

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You watched Tom as he slid a piece of ice above the hem of your panties

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You watched Tom as he slid a piece of ice above the hem of your panties.

"It's cold!" You hissed as you slightly moved your legs. You had your hands tied to the top of the bed which sucked for you.

"Shhh." He scooted up so he was now straddling you. He set the piece of ice down on you and lifted your shirt up so you're boobs were now showing.

"Tom." You warned.

"Do you want fucked?" He asked as he picked the piece of ice back up.


"Let me do this." He ran the ice over your nipple which made you squirm a lot.

"You can't keep your pretty mouth closed forever, Love." You had to admit that it slightly did feel good.

As he ran the ice over your other nipple you let a moan slip which satisfied him, he was getting somewhere.

"Good girl." He kissed you and got off of you so he could torture you some other way.

tom riddle; preferences & imagines² Where stories live. Discover now