This story is for @fangirl_768{Melanie}and it's going to Ethan Berlin. Now, Ethan is 15 in real life but in this story he is 18 and so are you. Thank you so much for requesting a book and no I hope you like it!
DISCLAIMER FOR EVERYONE THAT REQUESTS A CHAPTER: If you DON'T dm me back I can NOT make the chapter because I want you to answer the question so I can make the book and make sure that you like it. I know, I know, you didn't know that because you either didn't request one yet or something but now everyone that reads this will know.❤️
Description: You and Ethan are Boyfriend and Girlfriend and you two live together. You and him go on a hike that you always wished to go on and you never thought something could make you love it more.Ethan's POV. {didn't see that comin' did ya? HA!🥶}
Today was Melanie and my 1 year anniversary and she always gives me amazing stuff on our little anniversarys for the months and all so why not make hers the best one YET.
She is in our shared room upstairs on her phone doing who-knows-what. Our 4month baby huskey is playing around the house with his toys. I sit on the couch and out My MacBook on my lap and go on the airport place where you buy tickets and buy 2 tickets for Hollywood, California. {you can pick another place if you want!}
She's always wanted to go there and I decided we'd be going tomorrow and for 4days, Saturday through Wednesday. I smile and book the 2 tickets.
I close my MacBook and walk upstairs to mine and Melanie's shared room. I walk in.
Your POV.
Ethan walks in mine and his shared room and had the BIGGEST smile spreaded across his face. I look at him, confused.
"Why are you so happy, Ethan?" I say, looking at him and smiling a little. He just shrugs and walks to the bathroom that's connected to our shared room. He closes the door and 5 minutes later he comes out and looks at me and says,
"Hey, uh pack your bags." I look at him confused.
"Not like that.. I mean pack your bags because remember tomorrow is our 1 year anniversary and we are going to Hollywood." He says, smiling so much.
"W-wait really?!" I say, my eyes lighting up with joy. He nods "yes" and smiles even more if that's possible.
"YAY!" I scream, jumping up and down.
"Shhh." He says, laughing.
"Oh, sorryy!" I say, holding my hand over my mouth.
Let's just say that never 4 1/2 days were they best days of my life with the love of my life..❤️🦋