Hey everyone! This little message is for everyone that will or want to request:
Please do NOT rush me because since this is "blowing up" I am getting a couple of requests and it's kinda making me stress.
I will NOT be doing anymore smut(dirty) anymore because I just don't like doing it because tbh.. kinda makes me uncomfortable and my family now knows I do this. Whoops?
So if you want to request just dm me saying who and I'll dm back as soon as possible because school is about to start.. yay? Nope.
Hope you enjoy this @golden_gilinskyy{Savannah} and this is a Anthony Reeves imagine known as LuvAnthony. ❤️hope you like it!Description: You and your boyfriend Anthony and he friend, Jaden Hossler all go to the beach and hang. Your and Anthony's relationship wasn't spread all around the internet because y'all didn't want to rush it that fast. Some fans find y'all and some weren't so nice about it..
💝𝕊𝕒𝕧𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕒𝕙'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍💝
"Are you really bringing that, Jaden?" I ask, Jaden, who is holding a float that looks like a donut. "Yeah, why not? It's gonna be fun and if it pops I can wear it as trunks too." He said as Anthony walked in the room in his swimwear.
"Are y'all really arguing? Y'all are like brother and sister." He laughs and Jaden smiles.
"It's just he is weird." I say, referring to Jaden. "How rude!" He says, acting hurt from my words. "What can I say, it's true." Anthony laughs and kisses me softly. "I like your bathing suit." I blush and smile, "Thanks."
I was wearing a two piece that was plain black the showed a little more skin than others did. "Can we go now mom and dad?"
"What?" Me and Anthony both asks. "I'm your kid for today. C'mon love bugs!" Jaden said as he walked out the hotel room. "What did we do?" Anthony asks, I laugh and we all walk out and start to head to the beach that's a 10minute walk.
"Can we sit right here?" Jaden asks, I smile at "our kid" and nod. We set our stuff down and rub sun screen on us.
I start to head in the water and go pretty far out. I feel something grab my feet and I scream. Anthony comes up, laughing. "Rude."
"You love m though!" He says, grabbing me and pulling me closer. I wrap my legs around his waist and smile. "We can't do this here. What if people see?"
"We can. No one will see." He says, kissing me. I look over to see Jaden talking to some people. "Anthony.." I say, he looks where I'm looking and waved as he seen someone wave to us. We let go of each other and get out and walk towards them, acting like nothing happened. "Awe!" Some people said.
"Ugh. He can do SOO much better than Savannah or what ever her name is." I heard a girl say to someone else. I ignore it and talk to one of the nice fans.
"Ignore her.. she is just jealous that Anthony is happy with you and not her." She says, making me smile. I hear someone laugh and look at the girl. She rolls her eyes and flicks me off. I kinda hold in a laugh and look at Anthony.
He was stairing the girl down. I clear my throat and he looks at me and smiles. "It was nice uh meeting you." I said, my voice cracking a little.
"You too, Savannah!" Said the nice girl I talked to. "You okay, baby?" Anthony asks, hugging me. "Let's go to the hotel.." Jaden said, us agreeing.
"She was so mean.. what did I do to her?" I say making Anthony cuddle me more. "Jealousy can get to the fans, they'll get over it. Trust me." Jaden said. I nod and close my eyes, drifting into Anthony's chest falling asleep.
"It's hard to hear her sad. I'm also tired of the fans not letting me be happy, I'm happy with Savannah and she's my first love." I hear Anthony say, I smile and act like I'm still asleep. I keep listing to what they have to say about the situation.
I'm so lucky with who I'm with.