Hey there, amazing, beautiful, and kind people that even bother to read my cringy imagines! This is requested by @tammytnguyen621 {Tammy} for jake!❤️ Enjoy💕🧸
Description: You and Jake have been besties for years now.. one thing y'all didn't know is, you both have feelings with each other.
Kind: Cute🧸💕
I hear my phone go off. Wtf? I look at the time to see it's 1a.m.
Who could possibly be up at this time.. (TOTALLY not me even though it's 3am where I'm at rn.. don't believe me? Okay? Here..😂
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(Anyways... back to the imagine UwU)
I grab my phone and see,
Jakey🧸💕: Hey bestie, OwO! You awake? I can't sleep;(
Tammy🧸💕: You woke me up, but I'm kinda wide awake now. Why?
Jakey🧸💕: I just wanted to know... can you pls come over? It's only a 10minute walk and a 5minute run:)
Tammy🧸💕: Better be glad you're my bestie. I'll be over in 10. Btw, where are your parents?
Jakey🧸💕: They are at a family's house till like 6p.m. See you in 10 ßß❤️
Jakey🧸💕: Bestie* .. see you in 10 bestie.. read at 1:19a.m.
I-... I just stare at my ceiling. He might of literally had a auto correct but holy crap!
Fuck you, Auto Correct!
🧸Jake's POV🧸
Crap! I actually put "ßß" in it.. shit! Auto correct thing!
Jakey🧸💕: Bestie*.. see you in 10 bestie.
She left me on read now. Crap, whelp, too late She is coming in 10. Let's get everything ready.
I get up and grab a pair of leggings and a long sleeve and put my vans on. I grab my phone and tiptoe down stairs. I grab a pen and a piece of paper and write,
"Hey, its Tammy. I went to Jake's and I'm staying the night. Love y'all!"
I leave it on the table and walk tot he front door and grab my keys and lightly open and close the door. I lock it and start to run down the street to Jake's. What I do for my boyfrie- bestie.. uh. Yeah..
I finally get to Jake's and knock on the door. Few seconds later he answers it. He had grey sweats on and a hoodie on with socks. I smile and say, "Hey.. can I borrow more comfy clothes? I own nothing as comfy as your clothes."
It's true, what can I say?
"Yeah. Come on in, go to my room and pick out anything you want. Imma grab some snacks." He says, smiling and letting me in. I nod and take my shoes off and run to his room.
I walk into his room and go to his closet and pick out a hoodie and grey sweatpants. I quickly change into them.
I smile at his sent and he walks in with popcorn and multiple other snacks.. including him;) gehehe
"Can you help, please?" He wines and I grab some things. I giggle and set the stuff on a table he had in his room..
He smiles at me and says, "I like you wearing my things, you're like a little chubby bunny. Haha!"
I frown and jokingly say, "so I'm fat?"
His eyes widened and he tightly hugs me, "YOU ARE NOT!" I smile and laugh. "Weirdo. Come on, let's watch the movie." I say ruffling his hair. He nods and I lay on his bed and cuddle into his warm covers.
"We're watching 'IT'.." He says, laying beside me and getting under the covers.
"Hey Eddie, are these your birth control pills?" Richie asks, Eddie. Confused.
"Yeah, I'm saving them for your sister!" Eddie says, laughing.
I laugh at the line and smile. I can see Jake lookin at me and smiling but I just ignore it.
"This isn't real enough for you, Billy? I'm not real enough for you?" Penny wise says to Billy.
"Holy shit!" Says Richie.
"It was real enough for Georgie!" Pennywise says, laughing maniacally.
Pennywise pops up on the screen and I hide my face into Jake's chest. I scream lightly. Jake smiles and rubs my back.
"You're okay, don't worry."
I smile and keep my face in his chest.
"Hey Tammy.. can I tell you something?" He asks, nervously. I look up from his chest and look at him, I nod.
"So.. I've liked you since we first ever met and that's years ago.. I love you and I hope you have the same feeling but if you don't it-." I cut him off by kissing him. It takes him a little but he kisses back.
I smile in the kiss and so does he..
"Taking that as a yes.." I giggle and nod.
"Will you be my girlfriend, Tammy?" He asks, looking me in my eyes. I nod and kiss him again.