Hey there lovely people that decided to read my book(s) Thank you so much for getting this book to 17k reads and I appreciate every single one of you and I hope you have a good day/night!❤️🌈👑
This book is requested by @vintagesoftie{Mason}. Im so thankful that Mason requested another chapter and I hope you like this book about Kota!❤️😊Kinda: Fluff
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DISCLAIMER: I don't know Kota so I'm just gonna make up a name for one of his friends that are visiting his place for this book and their name is Alex!😂🙂
-Description: Kota and I have been dating for {How ever long you want} and yesterday was our anniversary.
Your POV.
"I'm a ssssnake, I'm a ssslithery snnake." I laugh as I watched tiktoks. Sitting on the little beanbag Kota had in his room. Kota was sitting on his bed on his phone and playing with his hair a little.
"IM A CHICKEN!" I look at my phone, unspeakable. I have no words to what I just watched.
"Oh...My... I-... I have no words..." I say, holding my heart. Kota looks at me weirdly.
"What?" He says, confused.
"I just seen a tiktok where this chicken just ran into a lake and all of a sudden a crocodile came... hOw iS tHaT sTIlL on tIkToK?!" I say, holding my hand over my mouth.
"What.." Kota says, laughing. I look at him and say,
"Great, I might have a frickin' nightmare tonight because of that!"
He just laughed and said,
"Come cuddle, its so cold in here." Kota said, in a hoodie and under his covers on his bed. I was on my phone in jeans and a hoodie watching tiktoks.
"Okay, hold on." I say and shut off my phone. I walk to Kota's bed and snuggle into him under.
"Y'all make me feel so lonely..." Kota's friend, Alex, said walking in the room. Me and Kota laugh as Alex walks out sad and closes the door.
"I feel kinda bad but good at the same time." I say, putting my head on Kota's chest. I rubs my back and giggles.
"He'll go cuddle with a pillow on the sofa, watch." Kota says, making me laugh. I look up at him and smile. I say softly,
"If you have a nightmare, wake me up.. I'm not gonna let anything get you." Kota says, smiling at me on his chest.
"I love you, Kota." I say, smiling and softly say. He smiled,
"I love you too, Mason." I smile and kiss his soft, gentle, and warm lips.(kinda cringe but yeah... SORRY MASON!!!!!!!!!!😭😬)
He warps his arms around my waist and i wraps mine around his neck. The kiss went on for about 5 or something minutes.
We finally pull away and look at each other. He pecks his lips all over my face, I laugh as he continues. I hear my phone go off and look at the
Hey, your cousin is over and while your at Kota's for the next 3 days I'm letting her sleep in your room. Love you❤️
Okay, love you too.❤️
"Who was that?" Kota says, hugging my waist tighter.
"It's my mom. Since I'm here for the next 3 days she's letting my cousin stay in my room. I told her to tell me every-time someone stays or even walks in my room because I have things in my room that are private and all that." I say, laying my head back on his chest and feel my eyes get heavy.
"Okay. It's 12:38am, we should go to bed now." I nod as he said that.
"Goodnight, Kota.." I say and drift off to sleep.
"Goodnight, Mason. Sweet dreams." He drifted off to sleep.
Sorry this sucks, Mason. I'll get better, I promise.❤️🌈😊