I'm doing this one of Reese because I just love him so much, hehe.💫
Dm me saying you want one and I'll dm you back with something.:)—
Description: long days at your work are so horrible. Mostly because the boy at Starbucks{where you work} hates you. Then, going to Reese's house always help:) heh;)
Kind: cute/fluff
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"I want a double chocolate chip frappé, please, also a medium." The teenager said, nicely to me. I smile and nod, I tap the thing and say, "You're name, please."
"Oh, Katie." I nod and grab a medium sized cup and write, 'Katie:)' and under it I write, 'Have a nice day!' . She walks to where you pick up your drink. I make her drink neatly and give it to her.
"Here!" I smile and she smiles and walks away. "That drink might be horrible [Y/N] you got to be more better at it." Ethan says. Ethan is my partner. He doesn't like me as you can tell.
"Says the one that got a 84. Wow, I got a 95. See the difference?" I say, laughing. He rolls his eyes and helps a customer.
I wash my hands and look at the time. 8:38p.m. Yes! Finally, time to go home. Well, to Reese house.
I take my apron off and take my hair out of the messy bun it was in and put the hair tie on my wrists and fix my hair.
"Bye, Ethan. Good luck, asshole." Obviously I didn't say asshole out loud but it's true, he is one.
"Thanks, weirdo." I walk out the place and walk to my car. Time to go to Reese's in my black leggings and white shirt that says, "okay."
I get to Reese's and walk in with a spare key his mum gave me. I close the door and take off my shoes. I walk to Reese's room and see him on his phone. He looks up and sees me.
"Hey baby! Have a good day at work?" He gets up, asking. I walk over and hug him. "I have to try to get another partner. He is driving me crazy!" He chuckles.
"Wanna take a bath, I need to take one." I nod and let go. "I'll get the water started." He walks to the bathroom, connected to his room and starts the water.
I set my phone, keys, wallet, and my purse on his night stand and walk to the bathroom. He was already in his underwear. I grab two towels and set them on the closed toilet seat.
I look in the mirror and look at my nose. Ugh. Nose bleed. I always get them when I'm stressed. I don't know why.. "You okay?" Reese asks, softly. "Yeah, just a nose bleed." He nods and I take care of my situation.
He takes off his underwear and gets in. I smile and undress. I get in sitting in between his legs. I lay my head on his chest and smile. "I love you, Reese." He smiles and says, "I love you too, baby." He rubs my stomach, slowly.
-couple minutes later-
"C'mon baby, you're about to fall asleep." He laughs, I open my eyes and giggle. I get up and grab our towels. I wrap mine around my body and he wraps his around his waist.
We get out and walk to the room. I put my underwear on and grab one of his sweatpants. I turn around and see Reese smirking at me. I laugh and say, "What?"
"Nothing, you're beautiful. Can we try something new tomorrow? Not tonight cause I know you're exhausted.." I smirk and nod. "Tomorrow."
He gets dressed and we lay in his bed and fall asleep. Wrapped around each other. Smiling and softly kissing each other every second.