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Anyways!!!Thiswasrequestedby@803haleyyy!!! (Sorry this is short😔!) -
"Sweetie. There's something at the door for you, it's from amazon. Did you order something?" My mom says, after she walks into my room.
"OMG YESSS!" I run past my mom and downstairs. I ordered matching bracelets for me and my long distance boyfriend, Billy. I live in California while he lives in New York. My mom usually never lets me leave the house because I have crackhead neighbors. For real, no joke. One day I walked out the house and they were letting a stray dog lick peanut butter off their heads and body.
I took the black one with the one white bead and left the white one with one black bead out for him on my bed.
I walked downstairs and walked to the kitchen to see my mom making some pizza rolls.
"Mom?" I asked, as I sat at the bar counter. She turns around and asks, "What's up?"
"I was wondering if I can go to surprise Billy.. like in New York. Surprise him at his house.."
"Honey you know it's not really good to travel alone. You don't have anyone to watch after you."
"Mom. I'm 17 almost 18." She sighs and thinks for a little. "Clean your room then you can pack and get you a travel ticket."
"Yes! Thank you! I'll go clean it right now!"
As I finished cleaning my room, I started packing. I got on my computer and looked at the earliest flight. "4:40am holy shirt." I booked it for $122(madethatupidk)I sighed and closed the tab out. I set my timer up for 3:30am. It's currently 10pm. I say goodnight to my mom and tell her I'm leaving very early.
"Goodnight bae. Text you tomorrow!❤️" I text billy.
"Awe:( Goodnight baby!"
- Morningtimebïtchsssss
My phones goes off. I look at my phone and turn it off. I get up slowly, I inch to the bathroom and turn the light on.
I get ready and get dressed and put my stuff on the bed. 1 case and 1 hand bag. I look at my phone and check the time, "4:00am."
I walk downstairs with my things and get a pencil and a piece of paper and write a little note to my mom.
"Hey momma! I'm heading there now. I have one of Billy's friends to drive me to Billy's when i get off the plane! I love you and I'll be back in a week!❤️"
I head out and call a Uber to the airport. I tip them and get my things out and head to my Gate and sit. While I wait, I just play on my phone.
"Gate ___ is boarding now to New York." I get up and walk where everyone else was. I show her my ticket and get one. I get my hand bag and find my seat. Great! A window seat.
I texted Billy's friend and say, "Hey! I'm about to get off the plane=)!"
"Hey, I'm waiting for you, your name is on my sign😎."
I get off and grab my bags and walk and look for Matthew, my boyfriend's friend. "Haley?" I heard someone say. I turned around and seen Matthew. "Hey! Yes that's me."
- "This is it. Have fun and congrats girl." I thank him and get my stuff. I exhale and walk up to the door. I knock on it and wait a couple. "Hello?" I heard his voice. He looks down at me and his eyes go wide.
"HALEY!" He picks me up and kisses me all over. I laughed and he sat me down, "Surprise!" I say and handed him his bracelet.
"Thank you, babe." I smiled and nodded. "Well I'm here for a week with you." "For real. Nahhh, you're lying? Please tell me you're not lying!"
"I'm not lying!" I say laughing.
When I'm all settled in, we hang out and we go out to eat, go to the park, mall, shops, and everything. After we go back to his house and cuddle slowly falling asleep.