Hey there! This is requested for Evan Hufferd and by @terryleslie {Terry} I hope you like this and yes, this contains Hanna(Joseph's new girlfriend and I frickin' love her!)😂💜 enjoy!
Description: You and Hanna decide to prank Evan and Joseph and it didn't work... what will the prank be and what will happen?!
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💜 𝓣𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂'𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥💜
"Congratulations on you and Joseph's 6month anniversary(he said they've been dating for 6months so.. yeah) Hanna. Joseph is Finally not alone and I'm not the only girl!" I say, making Hanna laugh.
"Thanks! Congrats on yours and Evan's 9months." She says, smiling. "Thanks. Let's get something to eat, I'm starving." She agrees and we head to a restaurant.
"Hey, for two?" The man says. We nod and he takes us to a table. "My name is Alice and I'm yalls waitress. Are y'all ready to order?"
"I'll have a Pepsi." Hanna says. "I'll have a [d/n], please." He nods and walks off. "So, I was thinking we prank the boys." I say, drinking my drink.
"Oh my god, yes! What kind of prank though?" She says, happy then confused. "Um..Let's do a break up prank!"
"Wait.. but me and Joseph have only been dating for 6months and you and Evan have been for 9.. Can't we do it on Evan! It'd be so funny!"
"Okay, let's plan it out and then we'll do it when we get back." I say, she nods. "Ready to order?" The waitress says walking back. We nod and order.
I put $5 on the table for the tip and we walk out. "Let's go to the apartment, now."
"Text Joseph and tell him that it's a prank and not serious." I say, her nodding and texting Joseph.
"Okay, when we enter I'm going straight to the bedroom. You and Joseph try to keep Evan away from the bedroom." She nods and we enter.I take off my shoes quickly and hear, "Hey baby!" Evans voice. I smile and ignore it. Sadly, I couldn't say it back. Evan looked at Joseph weirdly.
I put my keys and everything on the dresser and head to mine and Evan's shared room. I close the door and try to listen to what they are saying.
"What is wrong with her?" Evan asks. "She.. uh.." Joseph struggle until Hanna says, "Let me go talk to her."
Hanna walks in and I say, "Tell him to come in here and say they we have to have a talk." She nods and heads back out.
"Y'all need to talk.."
Evan jogs to the room and looks at me, "what's wrong?"
I pay the seat next to me, looking sad. He closes the door and walks to me and sits. He rubs my back. "We uh.."
"Say it.. it's okay. Don't hide anything from me." He says, smiling at me.
"We need to b-break up.."
"Wait.. What? Is this a joke, did I do something wrong?!" He looks sad and scared.
"No, I cheated on you with your brother and I feel stupid so we're breaking up." He gets up and says, "you cheated.. the real Terry wouldn't do that. Baby, tell me if this is a joke. I'm gonna kill him!"
I start laughing and Evan looks at me. "Wha- are you serious Terry." He laughs and pushes me back on the bed and lays on me. I kiss him and say, "I'd never cheat on you and I haven't even met your brothers." I laugh.
I laugh and kiss him more. I rub his back as he closes his eyes, softly smiling.
"I always will love you."
"I will always love you too, baby."