Hey people!!!!!:) sorry I haven't been uploading! I will start uploading a WHOLE LOT MORE. Probably about 3 or 4 a week! I'll post another one tomorrow because I have to make a chapter on my Shane Dawson book called "Behind The Scenes."
Here is one on Blesiv. My sister loves Alex so I thought about doing one for her!
Description; You and Alex have been dating for 4weeks and you just announced y'all relationship 1week ago! Everyone loved you and they wanted y'all to do a video together so you're going to!
Kind: Cute and (I guess) Kinda funny? Idk😂
"Wassup! Was-UP!!!! AHHHHH! Hey people." Alex said, screaming as my eyes went big, "Jesus Christ!" I say, making him giggle.
"Hey everyone, I'm here with my beautiful girlfriend, best friend, and my uncle [Y/N] !"
"Hey my niece." I say, rubbing his back. He smiles and looks at the camera.
"Today..well tonight because it's almost midnight, me and [Y/N] are going to be doing Omegle! Uh, we didn't wanna cool because that's for adults and we're not even close to that. Uh, I will have to keep a eye on this gurl because there is a lot of ding-dongs on here and I can't get her to see that. only mine." Alex said, last part low.
I smile and Alex sets up his MacBook and we start. "Let's our our interest as..Food, Animals, Tiktok, Youtube, Blesiv, [Y/N], depression, and scared!" He types as he says and presses done.
First person comes up, a gurl, staring at the screen. "ITS [Y/N]!!!!! MOM!" She screams. I laugh and smile.
"I love you guys so much! Can I take a photo?" She ask. "Of course you can." We pose and she takes a photo. "Thank you so much! Love you guys!"
"Love you too cutie." I say, smiling and hit the next button.
"Lemme see your tits." The guy said. He was about 24 or something. "The fuck. No, that's mine! I'll show you mine." Alex lifts his shirt up and I laugh, that guys leaves and we laugh.
We do a couple more and see more fans, we laugh, Alex put his hand over my eyes, softly sneaks peeks at Alex. Everything, best video I've done. I love him!:)