Requested by @reading__book__lover(Nicole!)
"babe wake up, you have to go to the dentist today." Taylor says rubbing my back, softly with his soft low voice.
Taylor has always been this nice and loving boyfriend, my mom and somehow my dad both like him. I mean "somehow" because my dad because my dad is hard to get to like people, it's rare for him to but I'm just proud my family loves him.
I turned and looked at Taylor. He had a pair of his basketball shorts and a shirt in his hand. I smile and get up. He helped me up and lifted my shirt up. It's not awkward anymore, we've been dating 1 year starting a month ago.
He put the shirt on me and pulled down my shorts and put his shorts on me.
"Baby do your stuff and I'll make you a little breakfast." I smile and nod, he kisses my forehead and I walk in my bathroom that's connected to my room. I bruh my and put chapstick on. After, i put my black VANS on and I walk downstairs.
I walk in the kitchen and see Taylor had made me a bowl of cereal. He had his camera out and vlogging. I smile and roll my eyes, playfully.
He smiles and points it at me, "There my Queen is!" I smile and sit at the counter and eat while Taylor tells the camera what's happening today.
I finished eating and ran back upstairs and brushed my teeth and mouth-washed.
Walking downstairs I grab my phone and Taylor's keys and we walk out the house, once we enter the car he out the camera on the "camera stand." (IDK WHAT ITS CALLED😭)
He hands me the aux cord and i play some music while I scroll through Instagram. You go look at some the comments on your post from yesterday with Taylor and you kissing each other in your room with you led lights in the back.
@madimonroe: my mom and dad tho🥺
@(ur @): my beautiful daughter!:)@user: LIZZA AND DAVID WHO?😳
@avani: my bestie🥰
@(ur &): come over later. sleepover🥺@lilhuddy: 😍
@(ur @): ?✝️
—"Okay we're hereee!" Taylor grabs the camera and we both walk in the dentist.
"Hey! I'm Nicole (last name). I'm here to get my wisdom teeth out." The front desk girl nods and looks at Taylor. "And who are you?"
"Her boyfriend." She nods and says, "Go have a seat and Nicole shall be back there soon!" We nod and go sit down. I lay my head on his shoulder, while he vlogs. "I guess imma stay out here when Nicole goes back there." He says to the camera.
"Nicole (last name)." The girl calls my name and I get up and wave bye to Taylor and the camera.
Soon after it's all done. "Hey baby!" I hear a familiar voice say and I look to the door and see Taylor. "Broke bitch. Broken ass nose bitch! Small Dick. Still kinda softish, Toxic, Act like you poppin'. No bitch! Built like a chopstick!!!" I started singing, Taylor points the camera at me and the girl walks back in and smiles at Taylor.
"Hey there." The girl tells everything Taylor needs to know about what to do with me. After that she puts me in a wheelchair and she pushes me out of the whole place while Taylor slowly follows behind with the camera pointing at me.
Once we get in the car we say bye to the girl and then Taylor turns the camera on and starts driving away. "My tongue!" I say as one of my bloody gauzes fall out. He laughs and pulls to a McDonald's drive through.
While we are in line waiting he grabbed one of the other qauze and wraps it up and put it in my mouth. Once we get in the line he gets me a (what ever kind) milkshake.
Once we get to the house, Taylor put me in my bed and wrapped me up. After he fed me the milkshake slowly after we cuddled and fell asleep.