make-up 🖤

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"Blackpink you're on in approximately fifteen minutes, let's go! Make up artists are ready to apply the last touches to all of you." The stage director said hurrying the four excited women towards the dressing room.

Y/N abruptly looked up when the door of the rather small room opened with force, "Get these ladies ready, they're set to perform in less than fifteen minutes! Let's go!" He clapped before slamming the door harshly behind a bothered Rosé.

Y/N let her phone fall on the couch she briefly occupied and hurried towards the vanity with the makeup brushes and equipment. Older women glanced at the youngest makeup artist and one of them ordered, "Apply make-up on Jennie's face, stop dreaming and get to work, didn't you hear the stage director just now?"

The tired teenager nodded and walked to the well known Korean rapper, she had been trying to showcase her dedication at her job, but it always resulted with her getting scolded.

"Sorry for the hold up, thought I lost my makeup brush," Y/N lied opening the palette and lipsticks that matched the outfit and tone of skin.

Jennie sat down and fixed her hair behind her shoulders while Y/N fought the urge to yawn. She was infinitely tired with all the work she got to do today. Jennie looked up at her with a small smile, "You must be the new makeup artist our company hired yesterday, right? You're Y/N?"

The younger girl applied light eyeshadow on the popular woman and grinned nervously, she tried to restrain the shakiness in her voice that came out when she nodded, "Yes, just yesterday night. I got really excited."

Jennie grinned opening her eyes and grinning up at Y/N, "Oh really?"

The other nodded again closing the palette and walking towards the singers headset, "Yeah, my dream of working with the best group finally came true. I'm truly blessed."

Lisa turned to look at Y/N and Jennie smiling at each other and grinned playfully, "Girl got her dream job, yes queen!"

Y/N blushed at the attention she received while she helped Jennie place her headset correctly, smiling at the cheers that came from Rosé and Jisoo.

Their fifteen minutes ended and the girls walked towards the door to head to the stage. Rosé jumped up and down, holding onto Lisa's shoulders to jump higher, Jisoo had zoomed out while laughing, and Lisa was busy dealing with a hyper Rosé on her back.

All they could hear was their ruckus and excitement to go out and perform for their fans.

Y/N watched with glee, counting down the members and noticing someone was missing.

How did she lose Jennie?

Y/N glanced at where she was previously working and found the celebrity fixing her lipstick tone while intently looking at the mirror.

She didn't hurry at the sound of the make-up artists complaints that she would be late. She took her time to make sure everything was perfect on her.

Y/N was shot nasty looks and she worried she hadn't done the right job on the pretty rapper. The youngest artist quickly walked to Jennie, reaching for the brushes as she asked her, "Is there something I can help you with, or improve?"

Jennie shook her head and sent her a wink, "No, sweetie I like double checking that everything is fine with my appearance. You did excellent don't worry about it."

Y/N nodded, feeling relieved at the fact that the girl wasn't upset about her work and styling ethic

A sound check member knocked on the door and peeked, "Jennie, we need you on stage in less than five minutes."

Jennie nodded a small shy smile while she glanced at the tired man, "I'm going, just checking my microphone and makeup!"

Once Jennie was finally pleased with her looks she hurriedly passed by the newly hired make-up artist and confidently smiled, "You're one lucky beauty, we'll talk later."

Y/N grinned almost enthralled at her image, she looked stunning with makeup on and so close. It made the young girl wonder just how lucky she was to be complimented by the gorgeous Jennie.

Her praising thoughts for the singer ended when one of the older artists scolded her, "You can't develope bonds with artists, you came to do your job only. If you're going to give us this performance on your work, I'll send a complaint to the manager."

Y/N watched how the rest of the ladies looked at her almost disapprovingly, no one had told her about the strict rules they had with their artists.

As far as she was concerned, the guideline she was required to read didn't mention anything with female idols. It did prohibit her from having relationships with members from Winner and Ikon, but she wasn't interested in getting a relationship with anyone for the record.

All Y/N could do was sit down and grab a snack, that woman was going to be a pain on her ass.

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