sleepy head 🖤

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Y/N managed to wake up without her obnoxious alarm and got ready, she felt energized for some reason that she couldn't comprehend. She got ready with some simple jeans, black boots, a white turtle neck shirt and her black leather jacket.

Down the young girl went towards the lobby. Once the doors opened she smelled the lovely smell of freshly made coffee in the nearby shop. She hurriedly walked over and ordered five coffee's, something nice she wanted to do for the girls that were so nice to her.

Once the five coffees were done she received a tray for the beverages and packets of sugar so she could easily take everything back to the room.

When she turned she saw a lesbian couple kissing each other and hugging themselves tightly, they looked extremely happy without having to worry about what people said. The lovely sight made her think of last night, everything Jennie did and said came back to her. Everything was jumbled to the point where Y/N became confused.

It was as if Jennie was giving her the green light, but also the red light. She grabbed several napkins and walked towards the empty elevators, soon enough these would be buzzing with people.

Finally heading towards the girls bedroom, she knocked twice after hearing Lisa having a conversation with Rosé, she sounded worried and tired.

"Do you think we're going to perform well today? I really don't feel energized, and Jennie looks like she's not going to wake up at this hour, Jisoo claims she's awake, but I know she can barely stay up."

Y/N smiled at the conversation and knocked on the door a little louder for them to hear, "Girls, I've brought you some coffee."

There were hurried steps before someone began unlocking the door and Lisa welcomed the other in, a bright smile on her beautiful face.

"You shouldn't have," Rosé said placing her phone on the coffee table in the middle of the spacious room to help her with the drinks.

Jisoo was sprawled on the couch, while Jennie occupied one of the two beds set up nicely, both deep asleep.

"I thought you girls would need something to wake you up at this hour, fans wouldn't want to see you all tired, right?" Y/N half heartedly joked and Lisa giggled.

Jisoo, who seemed to be eavesdropping opened an eye with difficulty, "Totally."

The three girls laughed, Y/N distributed the coffee between all of them until there was only two cups left, Jennie's and hers.

Noticing Jennie hadn't moved she walked to the bed and leaned forward.

"Jennie, we've got to get ready for the morning show." Y/N said gently touching her arm and moving her slightly.

"Go away Lisa..." Jennie mumbled turning away from her.

The blonde who was having a quiet conversation with Jisoo and Rosé looked at the other confused, "What?"

Y/N giggled, Jennie was so adorable when sleeping. She glanced at Lisa and waved her off playfully, "She thinks I'm you..."

At that, Jennie turns to look at the makeup artist and makes her way to sit up. Trying not to look alarmed, but failing instantly. "Y/N? What are you doing here?"

She winced at the bright light making Y/N laugh, "I brought you all some coffee, I know it's five in the morning, but I've got to get you all glamorous and pretty for the cameras, don't forget I'm the only makeup artist here."

Jennie sat up, accepting the cup with the caffeinated beverage, "Thanks love," she merely whispered making the younger almost choke on the hot coffee.

"No problem Jennie, I'll be going for my makeup bag, I'll be right back." And Y/N was gone.

Jennie looked at her steaming cup and sighed, when would Y/N realize that she was in love with her? Since the moment she peeked on her resumé, the cute picture printed on the paper had caught her attention.

The young rapper hoped for the other lady to see her intentions by shamelessly flirting with her, but maybe Y/N was a hard to get girl.

Or maybe the foreigner wasn't interested in pursuing something with a person like her, a busy and popular star.

Jennie sipped on the coffee and couldn't help but hate herself for the overwhelming sadness she felt at the moment, maybe Y/N was as straight as they come.

"Jennie, are you okay?" Rosé questioned looking at her worried and the woman nodded without looking at them.

She was fine, she could handle heartbreak.

Y/N would make it clear to her one day, she'll know if to continue pursuing something with her.

She'll know when.

And if that time came sooner than later, she'll be prepared to cry and cry her sadness out.

Falling In Love With You | Jennie KimWhere stories live. Discover now