back to work 🖤

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Winter time in Korea was extremely cold compared to her country, the winds were bone chilling and slightly wet, no thanks to the small drizzle that started since the morning. The young girl walked outside and the cold morning air hit Y/N in the face. She absolutely despised waking up in cold mornings, but this was her dream job and she needed the money.

Once she made her way to the sidewalk her phone vibrated and she yawned taking it out, it was a message from her boss.

Boss 😕:
You'll be in charge of doing Blackpink's makeup unless I tell you to do something else, understood?

Having no other option, Y/N quickly replied with a confirmation. She was quick to arrive at the YG headquarters and she took off inside, excited yet nervous to start working again.

Thankful for the warmth that enveloped her when she came in, she dashed towards her indicated room. People were walking here and there, some people were getting another group ready to look presentable for their dance practice while other's were modeling their actors in sponsored clothing.

Fortunately, all she needed to do was apply makeup on the lovely girls of BLACKPINK.

Speaking of lovely girls, her heart was going crazy at the fact she would see Jennie again. That bright and beautiful soul, hopefully everything went smooth for the other since their awkward hotel interaction.

She had tried to text Jennie before, but her nerves and fears crept in, making her regret even clicking on her profile. Not even a single greeting was sent to the busy singer, but she tried not to think too much about it.

"Good morning Y/N, the girls are getting their outfits ready. They'll be here any minute now." One of the older makeup artists informed getting her clean brushes out once Y/N stepped in the makeup room.

The foreigner walked towards an available vanity and took out her needed materials. The eyeshadow palette, the creams, lipsticks, anything she would need was right there in front of her.

Y/N didn't have to wait or turn around to know that Jennie was near her. Her lovely voice sounded out and she froze. Hopefully she didn't get to apply makeup on her.

She turned around and Jennie looked at her, shocked, with a slight hint of regret. "Hi Y/N! How was your small break?"

Y/N shyly smiled, "It went fine, your solo song ended up being a perfection!"

It felt weird being next to the other girl, having her close, as if it was wrong to be doing so.

"Are you doing your usual makeup look?" Y/N asked, getting ready to clean Jennie's face with a wipe. The rapper nodded, "Yeah."

Y/N looked at her and offered a weak smile, "Are you girls shooting a music video?"

Jennie glanced down at her phone, "No, we're just going to practice for our comeback, they told us to look pretty. We've recorded the full song now we need to master the choreography."

Y/N offered a supportive grin, "I'm sure the song will end up being a hit."

Jennie seemed like she was getting more confident, but when she opened her mouth to speak her phone buzzed. A message from someone.

Y/N minding her own business leaned forward to reach for the eyeshadow palette, natural colors suited the girl best.

"Was your first solo performance nerve wracking?" The makeup artist questioned and Jennie nodded, "It was, I didn't think I was going to pull it off. But I did."

"I mean, you are Jennie Kim. The best rapper out there." Y/N complimented making the other girl giggle while denying the praise.

"Thanks, Y/N." Jennie sincerely said looking at her through the mirror.

Y/N quickly looked down, feeling a weird vibe from the other. Something had changed.

She had been too late to talk it out with Jennie, too goddamn late. She knew her time was over when she saw the name of some guy named Kai appear on her phone's screen, a beautiful red heart right next to the name.

What a shame.

She'd lost her opportunity and she was to blame.

Falling In Love With You | Jennie KimWhere stories live. Discover now