no assurance 🖤

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After certain preparations Jennie couldn't help but feel extremely tired once she was able to throw herself on the couch. It was during the late hours where she barely made it home and managed to eat something small. Her bones ached, even though her choreography for her solo was probably deemed as easy, that didn't stop her body from getting tired everytime she repeated the dance.

After resting for a bit she stood up and headed towards her bathroom. Jennie needed to take a quick shower and go straight to bed since her schedule required her to wake up bright early and then get sent back home late at night. Her feet complained once her shoes were taken off, and she sighed. She stripped off every piece of clothing she had and sauntered in the bathtub.

When the cold water hit her body she managed to lose a small groan, her aching muscles somehow relaxing. She loved the shower, it was a place where she could meditate or think about everything thoroughly.

Thoughts of how everything could've ended came crashing down on her and she ended up with sobs quietly coming out of her, all she had deep down was regret and a huge aching pit in her heart.

She quickly finished her shower and headed straight to bed, crying wouldn't help her turn back time, all she could do was keep her head high and hope for a better future.

As the days, months, and almost a year flew by her own sad eyes so did her tiredness and sadness. She was set to debut for her solo comeback for the first time.

Different women came to give her finishing touches on her hair, outfit, and makeup, it sort of bummed her knowing that Y/N wasn't with her. It would've been lovely getting cheered on by the girl, but at the same time it seemed it would bring the singer a hard time.

Y/N wasn't a bad person, Jennie knew she wasn't. It was just the fact that the other knew that she liked her. Sensitive information that could ruin her career. If the other young woman decided to betray her small built trust, it was over for her.

Completely over and she was scared to death because of that.

Her outfit was ready and set to go, but before she could turn to leave and get changed, a stage director peeked in her room, "Jennie, your manager wants to have a quick word with you."

The other nodded, "I'll be there in a second."

She hauled herself up from her seat, whatever it was that she needed to be informed about should be important.

Her manager didn't do this most of the time, and when he did it was bad news. Out in the hallway, dancers frantically got ready, making the room seem chaotic.

Jennie passed by some of the makeup artists without trouble, walking straight to the tall man hurrying the rest up.

"Ah Jennie! You're here, just a small reminder that you're going to step up as one of the main acts of the night." He grinned and she nodded, "Very well, thank you sir."

He pointed a finger at her and smiled, "We need your sassy and sweet self onstage tonight, so you can take your award home."

Jennie nodded, the thought of winning something was amazing.

The expecting people seemed a little anxious and excited for her solo performance, but it only seemed to stress her out even more.

What if she didn't dance good enough? What if she moved too much? What if they didn't like the song?

So many what ifs and no answers to reassure her. She took a deep breath and stretched for a bit, she would do this perfectly. No worries no problems, just perform for the people.

Falling In Love With You | Jennie KimWhere stories live. Discover now