sick with? 🖤

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Once the girls were gone, Y/N was left to ponder her thoughts by herself. The rest of the makeup artists were getting busy with more work while she sat there, looking blankly at the desk. She didn't understand what or why she felt like this, but it bothered her. Maybe she was bottling up her jealousy or hurt, or maybe, just maybe she was actually getting ill.

Had she not taken long to reply or give Jennie the confirmation that she wanted something with her, the other would probably be dating her secretly at this moment. But that didn't matter anymore, Y/N was stuck in a whirlwind of emotions and it was her fault.

If she hadn't been so afraid of accepting a love that was mutual they wouldn't be in this position and she could be happier than right now.

"Jennie looked so beautiful Y/N! You always make her look like a princess, glad you're back on the team." One of the older women in the room praised her natural look and Y/N just nodded, giving her a half smile, "Thank you, it wasn't much."

That afternoon, Y/N didn't wait for the girls to come back from their recording session. She collected her belongings and left behind some cleaning wipes for Jennie to use to clean herself.

She wasn't going to make herself feel bad all in one day, she came back knowing it was going to be a new day only to have her expectations ruined by some guy named Kai.

She stormed off with her belongings, but a guy reached out to her, "Where are you going? Are you alright?" It was a stage director out in the hallways. He was probably going in a meeting to discuss the venue place for an artist.

Y/n looked at the older man, "I'm feeling super nauseous right now, I think I might be coming down with a nasty virus."

His eyes widened and he called the janitors through his small walkie-talkie, "Please, give a through clean in BLACKPINK'S room, someone sick made contact with several stuff."

Y/N didn't wait any longer and ordered an uber, the faster she got away from the establishment the better.

She might've been overreacting, but she was used to feeling bad about her mess ups and calling it a day. There was a lot going on back home that she didn't want to start worrying here too.

Back home, Y/N defeatedly walked to her bedroom and let herself fall face first on the soft mattress.

She didn't know when or why she started to cry, but she was. Her eyes became reddened and her breathing became erratic. Y/N became a huge mess in under so little time it scared her, but at the same time she thought she deserved it.

All because of her lovely timing.

Y/N thought that she couldn't get anymore stupid in life, but she knew that life surprised everyone and she was bound to make more mistakes.

This one just hurt more than usual.

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