intentions 🖤

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Y/N was focused on the cameras and the crowd who filmed the girls performing their singles and their small conversation with the program host. Her e/c eyes scanned the room and noticed how many people were chanting their names, the fact that these people were capable of turning their backs on Jennie if she ever revealed she was lesbain or bisexual.

She might have thousands pf supporters, but she knew it was going to be hard for her. BLACKPINK fans had the girls literally watched under a magnifying glass, anything they did was being watched, criticized, and talked about.

Y/N didn't want that to happen to Jennie, she didn't want her career to be affected because of her. She glanced towards a YG staff member and noticed the way he looked at her. Did he witness the kiss Jennie gave her on the cheek?

If he did, would she get in trouble for it?

Her worried thoughts ended when she heard the loud crowd cheer for them, the four girls burst through the curtain and Y/N grinned, "Hey! You all did good out there, the performance was amazing."

The girls thanked her and Y/N smiled widely, "By the way, they just told me that you have the rest of the day free, so get into comfortable clothes, we're going back to the hotel."

Lisa and Rosé excitedly walked towards the dressing room with a trailing Jisoo, while Y/N and Jennie were left alone again.

Not that Y/N minded though.

Jennie was about to approach the younger, but the other backed off, "I strongly advice that if you want to remain as a member of BLACKPINK you need to keep your space."

The rapper looked down at the woman confused, why had Y/N change on her,

Y/N sighed, "The kiss you gave on the cheek made someone look at me weirdly, they might suspect something. This can potentially ruin both our jobs, Jennie. Plus, the people won't love and support like before, don't forget that a lot of people are selfish."

Jennie seemed slightly hurt by her words, she might be right, but that didn't mean she didn't feel bad about it.

"Did I make it too obvious?" Jennie whispered and Y/N walked away to get her stuff.

"That you want to ruin your reputation? Yeah, first at the airport, risking yourself by taking me out to eat last night, and now the kiss. What are you doing Jennie? Since I've got here you've been acting weird."

Jennie looked slightly dissapointed, "I didn't mean to show my intentions that way then."

Y/N sighed, "We'll talk about this at the hotel, we'll order food, relax and talk, okay?"

Jennie nodded, that familiar playful smirk taking over, "Are you perhaps interested in a guy at the moment?"

"Go change your clothes Jennie, damn girl." The other waved her off grinning at the sound of the other's giggles.

Y/N was falling too deep for Jennie, and if in the end the other girl was just being playful, she would lose it. Because she really did want something with the kpop star, only that it would be too risky for them. She sighed, collecting concealers, makeup brushes, lipsticks, and eyeshadows, love really sucked sometimes.


Back at the hotel, Lisa, Rosé, and Jisoo mysteriously dissapeared without saying a word. It had caught Y/N's attention, but knowing they wanted to eat since the morning seemed to justify their disappearance.

Jennie entered Y/N's hotel room with a key the other girl gave to her upon request the day they got here, "What are you going to order?" Jennie asked flopping down on the huge bed.

"I was thinking of simple noodles this time," Y/N said fighting the smirk off her face at Jennie looking up, "I'll order sushi again then."

Y/N shrugged not minding at all, "It's your decision."

Once they made their orders, Y/N flopped next to Jennie, "Okay, talk to me."

"About?" Jennie asked, cowering away.

"Your intentions," Y/N said, getting nervous at the other's silence. Jennie seemed unreadable, first she looked petrified, then hesitant. Was it something that bad?

"Its something that might make you uncomfortable because I d-don't know if you like girls...?" She hesitantly said making Y/N roll her eyes.

"Jennie, I like girls." Y/N stated placing a hand on the other's leg.

Jennie was stunned.

Y/N liked girls...

Could she give her a chance then?

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