troubled 🖤

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Jennie had locked herself in her hotel room for the rest of the day, she didn't eat and she certainly didn't want to do anything else but to relax and release the sadness within her. Jennie knew that rejection was part of life, not everything went how people dreamed and that was ok, things didn't happen for multiple reasons.

That didn't mean it didn't hurt, Jennie was beating herself up with her own thoughts and opinions on the matter. Some of the thoughts consisted of blaming herself for the way Y/N had acted, maybe she had pushed herself on her too much, or maybe she wasn't the young girl's type.

She relaxed and tried to think about something else, she tried to think about all the things that she still needed to accomplish. The things she wanted to do as a group and as a solo artist.

There were so many great things for her to be sulking about a failed relationship.

Her mind went numb and she struggle to realize that a sad tear rolled down her left cheek as she hugged herself in the tub. This wasn't relaxing at all, but it was better than feeling everything she felt back in Y/N's room.

After her long shower, she got dressed and stepped onto the cold bedroom without a care to fall sick. All Jennie wanted to do was sleep and forget for a moment what had happened between Y/N and her.


The next morning, the girls of BLACKPINK would be headed to Thailand, and this time the missing makeup artists would be joining them again. The ride towards the airport was uncomfortable between the girls, even Rosé and Lisa noticed the tension between Jennie and Y/N, something that had developed while they dined out in Tokyo.

Jisoo had reached out to Jennie about it, but the younger woman had just shrugged her off, not sharing anything personal.

"Everything is alright," Jennie had whispered to Jisoo and the oldest worried, everything was not okay.

In the airport, Jennie watched how Y/N left their side to join the makeup artists who had barely arrived for their next promotion site. Lisa got closer, "Jennie, what's wrong?"

The older girl fixed her long hair on her right shoulder and sighed, "It's nothing, I'm just tired."

Lisa seemed perplexed, "But you slept from nine to five in the morning, that's eight full hours." The blonde knew the brunette was holding something back from all of them, but she would stop right now.

Rosé placed an arm around Jennie's hips and grinned, "We're here for you Jennie, rejection is normal."

Jennie looked at her, trying to smile and demonstrate she wasn't saddened or bothered at the fact that Y/N was not hanging out with them.

"It's not that, okay? Stop saying all this." Jennie said and Rosé sighed, "I'll keep saying this until you realize you don't need her, you'll be fine. I got you."

The girls walked forward towards the jet bridge connected to the plane, avoiding the flashes of the paparazzi trying to make a living. The group had a lot of people hauling behind them, including the makeup artists.

Jennie knew that she shouldn't have turned around, but she did. And she couldn't help but feel unending happiness when the first thing she laid eyes on was Y/N's perfect face, the love of her life.

Their eyes connected even from far away and both smiled at each other.

Y/N waved and grinned, showing there was no bad feelings between them.

But it still hurt.

Falling In Love With You | Jennie KimWhere stories live. Discover now