| 4 | Haze

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Naruto sits at his desk, reading yet another scroll.

Yet another one of his clan's, he peruses it, reading at a light pace to fully ingest all of the information that he revels in.

Said scroll's contents are rather intriguing to him, something that others would scoff at, saying that it is trivial or simply too complex.


Something that Naruto recalls fondly. Instead of focusing around his loss to Kakashi, he remembers the rush, the thrill of the fight as he reacts to the opponent.

Like a deadly dance of blades. Something immersing to Naruto as he senses his calling.

He stands, summoning the broadsword as he practices movements that he had learnt from the scroll, on occasion, referring back to it.

He does so well into the night, demonstrating several manoeuvres with such fluid motion that any could admire, technique displayed in spades as he does so gracefully.

Eventually, he ceases, knowing that he would get a mere six hours of sleep. Something that he would have to remedy.

He dispels numerous shadow clones in groups of ten at minute intervals, repeating the procedure for a good one hundred minutes (1000 clones), before he slumps on his bed, falling asleep.


Naruto stands in a world of fluffiness; white clouds substitute of the ground that he is accustomed to at his feet and the sky even closer.

He lifts his hand, almost feeling the sun as if it is in reach, before withdrawing it with a hint of childish disappointment.

He looks around, seeing five, golden glows.

Just as quickly as he enters the place, he exits it, jolting upwards from his slumber.


Naruto jolts from his slumber, immediately, his thoughts drift to the hazy image.

Something to do with clouds. Must've been a dream, he yawns, changing into his attire of the day.

Black silken gloves lined with silver thread covers the scars that litter his hands. A blood-red trenchcoat -- with high collar -- that is a similar shade to his hair stretches to his feet, black ANBU-style trousers adorning his legs. Leather combat boots with spiked metallic soles encompass his feet.

He exits the apartment, upturning his nose in disgust as he is greeted by the disheartening sight of the Red Light District.

The worst segment of Konoha, consisting of many unfavourable businesses that contribute a good 23% of the village's revenue, a fact that causes the Sandaime to refrain from removing it altogether.

Naruto sighs. Great. Another day of the Uchiha and his rabid fangirl.

He walks to the seventh training ground of the Hidden Leaf Village, exiting the district that he had been forced to live in by the civilian council.

Also known as the pamperers of the Uchiha clan, Naruto spitefully refers to them as he arrives.

He walks through the rusted iron gates, the gate itself ajar as to prevent one from being rendered temporarily deaf.

Immediately, he leaps onto a tree, landing perfectly balanced on a single leg.

He unrolls a scroll, beginning to read as he awaits the coming disaster in the making.

Soon enough, Sasuke and his unsatiable shadow arrive, stampeding into the clearing lined with beautiful oak trees.

Naruto sighs. They still hadn't taken notice of him, despite the fact that a silhouette stands in great juxtaposition to the morning sun that had risen, great sky blues tearing across the endless expanse.

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