| 35 | Rasengan...

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The contrasting duo of a flamboyant old man and conservative teenager trudge down a path, Naruto channelling his chakra through a rubber ball -- the water balloon had been too easy --, with it gyrating in a multitude of directions, every atom of it infected by his chakra.

And the remaining factor is to add density and volume into his chakra.

It should be easy. After all, Naruto has ungodly chakra reserves and dense energies almost conformed to a solid-state just by a slight trickle alone, but no.

It's like the blasted tree walking exercise; too much chakra and the ball would burst with unnecessary violence, whereas too little chakra would result in the ball stirring but not much occurring as a result.

What am I doing wrong? He releases a frustrated growl as Jiraiya sends him another disapproving gaze, seeing him burst another ball with a shake of the head. The damn Sensei says that the exercise would be completed after I burst it, so why isn't he letting me advance?

Accepting the fifty-first rubber ball, he tries again to no avail.

What if he's intentionally holding back? Why should I abide by his rules when I am the master of my own? Naruto asks himself.

His prodigious knack for shape manipulation hadn't come in useful during the exercises, as if an external force had been blocking his progress like an inescapable blanket banning his escape.

This feels unnatural. Perhaps he's intentionally using his chakra to hold me back? But why? What malicious intent does he harbour against me?

Swiftly, he sends a peripherical glance towards Jiraiya only to be met with beady eyes of concentration, aimed directly at him.

He might be, Naruto concludes. From when I was showed the jutsu, I'm doing everything correctly!

He then makes a radical decision on his part.

He tosses the ball to the side, pumping chakra into the base of his palm, envisioning a spherical shell to keep the powerhouse that would be the driving force behind the Rasengan in, relating this to the water balloon that he had easily burst.

Taking a deep breath and revelling in Jiraiya's surprise, he circulates more chakra within the dark shell, pathways forming to an infinite degree as the chakra grates against its protective shell, devoid of light but a small blob of it shining brightly within its confines.

"Rasengan!" He roars, slamming it into a nearby tree.

Jiraiya looks on, stunned. How did he... y' know what? I'm learning that this kid is not even worth questioning. He's got too many surprises.

A loud howling sound is heard as the sphere gyrates against the tree, like a million rotating blades cleaving into a stationary object, an eerie screech echoing for miles as the body of the tree is eviscerated.

Only a stack of finely ground sawdust and the carcasses of wood mites tell the tale of what had lived in the bare spot.

Naruto's head jerks around to loud, slow clapping.

"Well done..." Jiraiya praises. "It took me a year to learn it, yet you did it within a few days of travelling."

Naruto nods idly. If this is chakra, what if I attuned it to other elements?

"I don't want to use this as my main jutsu. I'm making my own, using the logistics of this one!"

"What?! Why?!"

"The Yondaime was an impressive man, but I yearn to derive from the person who made my life hell," Naruto spitefully spits in derision, cold hatred in his eyes as he stares down the mentor of the man he had just indirectly insulted.

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