| 5 | A Friendly Spar

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Naruto stands across from Sasuke. If your genius idea is to pit me against him, then you'll be sorely disappointed.

"Hajime!" Kakashi shouts with Sakura cheering her crush on from the sidelines.

From the start of the fight, Naruto's focus zones out of the matters occurring outside of the battle.

A tunnel forms within his vision, centring around his opponent. Time to see how a connoisseur of hard work matches up against one of natural talent!

A primal lust for battle rages within Naruto as he takes the first move, running forwards as Sasuke takes a leap in the opposite direction.

"Fire Style: Fireball Technique!" He performs the necessary hand seals, expelling his signature jutsu.

A fireball that had increased in size from the last time they had participated in a fight soars towards Naruto, the magnitude of it has doubled.

"Water Style: Water Wall!" Naruto cries as he raises a gargantuan wall of water that touches the clouds above, drawing even more moisture from that to extend its length, for it had been a pillar thus far.

With moisture from a celestial body fueling its rapid enlargement, it soon overtakes the fireball, enveloping it in a massive ball as steam escapes from its prison.

The ball reverts to its original, malleable form as it pools on the training ground, more and more of it seeping into the grass by the second.

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!" Naruto cries as Sasuke flings kunai at him.

The kunai relentlessly soar through the air, each and every one potential danger to him.

Sasuke moves in erratic patterns whilst launching kunai as well as shuriken in an attempt to dissuade him from engaging, though this method doesn't come to fruition.

A wave of wind expands outwards with Naruto, it's place of origin, deflecting all projectiles within a five-metre radius before tilting the other's (out of radius) trajectory with smaller gusts. 

Sasuke stumbles, but rights himself before his face plants itself into the ground.

He takes a shaky lurch forward as he regains his balance to find Naruto right in front of him.

"Think fast," Naruto warns as he performs a right hook that simply causes Sasuke to lose the balance that he had previously regained.

In all honesty, the verbal warning is probably the most merciful thing Naruto could do.

In spite of the treatment he had faced against the Uchiha's frankly appalling behaviour, this is a courtesy that can just as easily be unemployed.

He rains assaults down on the Uchiha, mainly consisting of hammer kicks, axe kicks and punches; all imbued with the element of earth.

In his basic nature transformation exercises, he had learnt to apply elemental chakra, or simply raw chakra, in situations when it would benefit himself.

Elemental chakra is used in specific situations whereas raw chakra is more versatile and potent, but more costly on the reserves.

The Uchiha forms a few hand seals.

"Fire Style: Phoenix Flame Flower Technique!"

A smaller fireball than before manifests midair and shoots towards Naruto.

Immediately, Naruto performs a backflip to put distance between him and the jutsu.

What is he thinking? Naruto asks himself. If that is a combustible jutsu, he could have blown himself up as well as me!

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