| 23 | Meet and Greet by Moonlight and Chaos

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Naruto heads outside, using his immensely confined light-bending skills to make himself invisible.

He takes a moonlit stroll, the dearth of crowds and action plausible to him as he enjoys the sounds of wildlife when it is almost deafening.

Quickly, he departs from the urban areas of the village and thus entering the roads where the environment is closest.

His expression is giddy, his tongue licking his lips in unrivalled enthusiasm and excited yearning for what is to come.

The winding road he sets foot on in a soothingly rhythmic tune leads to the south-western portion of the village, one of the closest training grounds to his apartment, which is also directly next to the slums.

He leaps over the gate as to not disturb the scents and sounds of nature with a horrible, ear-splitting screech.

Naruto allows himself to turn detectable but immediately freezes upon doing so.

Under the light of the moon shines blue hair that sways, hard strikes on wood reverberating throughout the grounds as the girl strikes the wooden dummy.

Hinata? What's she doing here?

He could recognise that blue hair and Byakugan anywhere.

"Hey, Hinata!" He shouts from across the clearing, waving to her as she jumps, falling down backwards.

"N-Naruto-Kun," she gasps as she gets up to her feet. "What happened to your eyes?"

Naruto walks over to her, deflecting her question. "Why are you training here all by yourself? Surely the Hyuga clan wouldn't let their heiress out all by herself!"

She scratches her head cutely. "Well, I... s-snuck out?" She sheepishly stutters. "Don't tell anyone, please...?"

She pouts.

"I won't if we spar," Naruto responds calmly, fully expecting a full-on blush.

He is caught off-guard by her reaction without hesitation. "S-sure. Taijutsu only?"

"Why not?" Naruto rhetorically asks, settling into his stance whilst Hinata settles into her Gentle Fist opening stance

Naruto has his right fist extended in a claw shape whilst his other is clenched behind his back. He leans forward slightly, his legs slightly crouched in a predatorial pose, meaning that his first movement couldn't be defensive.

Essentially, he is forced onto offensive movements.

"Begin!" Hinata announces, acting as the referee in their makeshift match as they charge, Naruto with the utmost speed that he instantly appears behind her, nailing her with a falling axe kick that sends her sprawling.

He stares down at her, his amber pupil centred on her as his lip curls almost mockingly. "Should I hold back?"

Hinata leaps up with flames in her eyes that makes Naruto inadvertently take a step back. "No."

"Good," Naruto smiles with satisfaction. "Holding back is so dissatisfying."

"Hmph," Hinata grunts frustratedly. "I'd hate to pit myself against someone holding back."

Naruto dashes towards her, lunging with a clawed right hand extended that she cartwheels over, allowing her leg to outstretch in a falling kick.

He rolls forwards before backflipping over Hinata, delivering two swift kicks in succession as she breaks her fall with a cartwheel.

They face each other as Naruto's cloak begins to billow with a non-existent wind.

He looks at her approvingly. They both settle into substantially different stances, with Hinata taking a stance substantially more derived from the Gentle Fist.

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