| 21 | Preliminaries

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Hiruzen jumps back as to allow the fighters the space to do just that, not too far, just close enough to intervene should the circumstances turn sour.

The match begins with Yoroi dashing towards Sasuke, who sidesteps a lunge with practised ease and returns a glancing blow to his opponent's sternum, sending the senior genin skidding back.

"You're decent," Yoroi compliments, but it hastily turns sour as he adds with a slight bitterness to his tone, "but I'm better."

"Then prove it!" Sasuke replies as they charge again.

So that's the accomplice of Kabuto, Naruto identifies. Sasuke has improved since the last time I've seen him. I wonder what training Kakashi put him through...

The two continue this cycle of exchanging blows before Yoroi finally gains the upper hand, a bruised palm knocking Sasuke to the ground.

Why isn't Sasuke using ninjutsu? He is heavily reliant on it, so why isn't he using his ace of sorts?

The sunglasses-wearing teenager pins the underclassman to the ground, his palm enclosing upon Sasuke's head as a pulsating blue glow surrounds it.

The effects are not immediate, as Sasuke simply lies there, his hands attempting to unlatch the offending hand before it kicks in.

Naruto sighs. It's over. As observed, Yoroi has chakra-eating capabilities.

Sasuke gasps for breath as a suffocating presence takes hold of him, energy being sapped from his very being.

What... what is this? He asks himself in both desperation and confusion as he feels his spiritual and mental energies being drained.

He struggles twice as hard but to achieve the same result, no progress made whatsoever.

I need to do this. For my clan, and myself! He mentally roars, kicking his opponent square in the chest before following up with several consecutive strikes that send Yoroi flying through the air.

Sasuke pants, regaining his breath before staring at Yoroi's glowing blue hands. What is that?

"Still haven't figured it out yet?" Yoroi asks a tinge of amusement ringing through Sasuke's head.

The Uchiha remains silent, figuring out a battle plan.

"I drain chakra with my hands," Yoroi states, cockiness pre-dominant in his voice that mockingly teases Sasuke's pride.

The accomplice of Kabuto lunges, forcing Sasuke to dash backwards in order to maintain some distance.

His high collar shifts to one side, granting Naruto a clear view. What is that? A three-tomoe tattoo? I doubt he had that before! What happened in the forest?

"Is that all he has?" Naruto mutters, disappointedly. "If so, he's not going to make it."

Kakashi's head, for he had been standing in front of him, snaps towards the shadow in which Naruto had sat in, head resting on his chin as boredom glazes over his eyes.

"Don't count him out yet," Kakashi murmurs softly.

Naruto's breath hitches in his throat. "You can come out now, Naruto."

Sighing heavily, he stands next to the silver-haired jonin. "How did you know?"

"You said that aloud, did you not?" Kakashi delightedly states.

Naruto stares at him blankly. "I did?"

"Then you were unaware of it," the lazy jonin state informs him.

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