| 57 | The Fated Duel

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"Very well, let us match Naruto Uzumaki, the Kami no Ken, the Shinigami no Kami, prison of a demon Kitsune, wielder of the gifts of Lady Kami and Lord Shinigami against Sasuke Uchiha, holder of the Eyes of Yami's Wrath."

Naruto manifested an achromatic aura of grey shadows that shrouded him, save for his eyes and snowy-white wings, which were the only things that shone through the darkness. His eyes were of a piercing amber, radiating refined, archaic and adulterated power.

"The Eyes of Wrath are impaired by the night, and so I invoke the power of Tsukuyomi's domain! I call the beauty of the darkness in contrast to the purity of the light, the absence of light obscuring and hiding secrets from sight yet also proving an advantage to its patrons and champions. Yoru no Jutsu!"

It was a world of night, and lightning struck down, rendering all eyesight useless.

The Sharingan saw nothing, only the infinite ocean of darkness.

"We've fought in a mutual domain. We've fought in your domain, your village. It's high time we did battle in my domain, the domain of darkness!"

Naruto fazed out of existence only to have his blade met by a chokutō surrounded by red chakra.

He can keep up with me?

Stunned, Naruto twisted the sword only for it to remain firm and steady as Sasuke sent him flying with a low kick.

Naruto landed lightly on his feet with the grace of a cat, observing his once-comrade with his enhanced vision. I have to go all out.

He sheathed Kyosonzai, readying his new sword, Arashi.

"Hōken!" He roared, sending a torrent of flames that was dodged only to pressure Sasuke using several Byakurai jutsu and dashing forwards with untraceable speeds, moving even faster to deliver a massive blow to Sasuke using his "Sensō Rankyaku!"

Sasuke responded by somersaulting out of his reverie, raising his enhanced sword to block an overhead strike by Naruto and leaping over a leg sweep.

Naruto pressed the offensive confidently, remaining eerily calm and impassive, allowing a small smile to grace his perfect visage as he fastened his sword, and in a heartbeat, he had bashed the sheath of Arashi on Sasuke twice, drawing his sword and throwing the sword into the air whilst launching the sheath at his opponent.

The last remaining Uchiha could only gape in shock and put forward a feeble block that was punished by Naruto bounding into the air, grasping Arashi and slamming it down upon the chokutō, the sheath slamming into his jaw soon after.

Spittle flew into the air and all oxygen vacated Sasuke's lungs as he was bombarded by several Rankyaku that jolted him back to reality, revitalising his senses only to inflict even more pain that made his eyes glaze over.

This wasn't a duel by any means; this was a slaughter.

Naruto smirked at the success of his 'Rising Shadow' kenjutsu technique, and wasting no time, released a fireball of Hōken (Holy Consecration Flames).

What he wasn't expecting was for Sasuke to fly through the deadly flames and sock him in the jaw with a brutal haymaker, following up with a kick that hit him square in the kneecap.

How could he have survived going THROUGH the holy flames?

Naruto allowed for the lavender lightning to overtake his senses ("Byakurai no Mai") and he bolted towards Sasuke, delivering a few strikes before Sasuke began keeping up with a massive spike in sinful chakra.

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