| 7 | C-Rank

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It had been a week since the memory had made itself known to Naruto, and he had taken his mentor's words to heart.

He leapt back into his training with such a fiery resolve, a will of fire surpassing his ancestors before him.

Despite this, he had become slightly... detached from the world.

The revelation had shook him hard, and the harsh truth of the unforgiving reality had urged him.

Urged him to possess all the attributes that would lead to success.

He sees the world for what it is. He is not an idealist, rather a realist.

He knows what must be accomplished. True peace is a dream.

And reality is a nightmare.

I will become the person that everyone looks up to. The man that leads his country from the nightmare to the dream. A beacon of hope. Nobody strong enough has ever attempted to unite these treacherous nations, but I will be the first.

Under the mantle of Kage.

His elemental manipulations had drastically improved.

His lightning element had been inching ahead of the others, and as such, Naruto had sought to rectify this mistake.

In the form of training. All of his elements are on par with each other, though it's a matter of preference as to which he frequents.

Emotionally, Naruto had grown to become determined, embodying the fabled Will of Fire that Konoha so desperately preaches about.

However, this determination is mixed with honour and a measure of benevolence that the world so greatly lacks.

So far, Naruto finds himself unimpressed with Team 7.

With Kakashi having recently told them of Team 7's bloody and famed legacy, he had began comparing them to the next generation of the Densetsu no Sannin.

Additionally, his training methods are somewhat... questionable.

Isn't a sensei supposed to aid his pupils in getting stronger? Seriously, with only a few C-rank fire jutsu, some mediocre projectile throwing and a bunch of amateur taijutsu styles, this time will never succeed. That is, unless I carry the team. Something that I haven't been inspired to do.

Naruto snorts. This better be good. Our first C-rank mission as a "team".

He walks to the Mission Assignment office in the Hokage Tower. Now, all of the different departments had been spread throughout the tower, each headed by a trustworthy officer or a clone of the Hokage himself.

In this case, it is the latter.

Even the many etiquette lessons that had been drilled into his brain doesn't allow him to abstain from snorting at the sheer sight that awaits him at the "rendezvous point".

Sakura latching onto Sasuke who finds in rage.

Naruto snickers, unintentionally drawing the attention of the three that had gathered. Well, four if you include the shadow clone of the Hokage.

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