| 49 | What is Art?

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Happy New Year to everyone! I hope you guys all have an amazing 2020!

Chiyo and Sakura's fight proceeds as per canon.

Kakashi hammered down onto the icy barrier, for once, cursing himself for his eternal tardiness.

Two thoughts seemed to loop within his blank mind.

Why is there a damn barrier around the icy wasteland?!
Uh oh, Naruto must be releasing more of his power!


Naruto flared his chakra, speeding towards Deidara who evaded his sword slash yet again. Even the 'One Thousand Severations' technique didn't work on the slippery renegade's immense flexibility.

"KATSU!" The nukenin cried, detonating one of his bombs and instantly receiving a grunt of pain.

The Chaos Sword backpedalled, twisting his icy wasteland, placing a swarm of poisonous hornets and two dragons.

Gingerly, he placed a hand on where his sword arm had been cauterised, tenderly pressing two fingers to it.

Green chakra surged around the injury, an ugly, deformed place of skin that occupied an entire limb!

But the joyful green sparks fizzled out. The wound remained open.

"Iryo-Ninjutsu: Fukkatsu(Revival)!" Naruto murmured, not taking his eyes off the wound.

Green sparks danced around his hands like lightning.

They pranced around the wound, lapping up the blood like a dog would its food, but in the end, only the deformed, grotesque arm remained.

He sighed. The arm seemed dead as if it were destroyed on a molecular level...

That's it!

Naruto's head snapped upwards.

His strongest attacks go down to the molecular level of atomic explosions! Now all I have to do is to sense them, as sight is unreliable at this level of precision.

"If I can't use my kenjutsu... I'll just have to utilise my ninjutsu..."

He stabbed his sword into the ground with his left hand, his right limply hanging by his side, limp.

A black iceberg formed around Kyosonzai, radiating volumes of the untold forlorn winter, the temperatures plummeting to levels, not even a Kage could bear.

"Gate of Babylon!" He cried, calling forth the golden ripples that seemed to make reality an underwater expanse as a fleet of swords came rushing out, Itachi's Hitsurugi at the forefront, the others covered in ice.


And suddenly, the regal yet grotesque Naruto had been cast into the path of his own jutsu!

"Hyoton: Fuyu no Tate (Winter Shield)!" Naruto intoned, deflecting his own technique before sending the swords back with twice the force.

"Hyoton: Tsuki no Shison (Moon's Offspring)!"

Within the blink of an eye, a tremendous dragon materialised, created from the ice as well as a black sludge that seemed to hollow out the insides of the ethereal dragon, whose crown was regal and angular.

Purple lightning coursed around the crystalline surface of the empress dragon, a revered breed that has been extinct for over a million years, yet had been selected for the unmatched strength it's unique physique offered, as well as the fluid swiftness that all dragons of a more sterile element possessed.

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