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For a long time, the universe was dark and lifeless, nothing existed except remains, caused by the Big Bang. A few millenniums later, many tiny atoms, gathered together, forming an egg. The egg of the first-ever living being, the egg of the God, the savior of the universe. The egg took a long time to hatch. But, when I did, Arceus, the God, came to life, becoming the first ever being in existence. Arceus was unsure of its surroundings, it felt lonely, it felt fear. Slowly it started to think, come into senses. It realized it had immense powers, and due to loneliness, it started creation, creating everything, including its three sons, Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina, giving them power over, Time, Space and Antimatter, respectively. Due to Giratina's destructive nature, it was banished into the Distortion World.

In a few millenniums, the universe we know now came into existence, with it becoming tired after doing so much, Arceus decides he has to rest. Before resting, it informs it's sons, and thereby goes into a deep slumber.

The next time it wakes up, it sees wrecked planets, forests on fire, and in some places, there were no traces of life, it helped in resolving the disasters and again went back into its slumber. Not before choosing a person who can replace his duties if he were gone, Arceus called him the 'Chosen One'. His name was Satoshi.

Time passed, many criminal organizations were formed. Trainers started to emerge from different regions and places. In Kanto, Samuel Oak chose his first starter Pokémon from his father, Professor Oak, who started on his journey, he was a great trainer. A few years later Oak returns to Pallet town to marry, the girl he met on his journeys. Samuel and his wife had a child, the two named him Blue Oak, but, Samuel, again left on his journeys, and never returned to see his family. Following his father, the new trainer emerged, Blue, who chose his Pokémon from his grandfather, since Samuel did not return from his journey. Along with Blue, two other trainers emerged Red and Green. Red, was the first Pokémon master, and an amazing battler. But the three trainers had a disastrous fate, after a glorious life, Giovanni, the leader of Team Rocket, killed the three in the Alola Islands, even killing Tajiri Ketchum, a close friend of Red. After finding the truth about his son's death, Samuel Oak returned from his journeys and followed his family line and became a Pokémon Professor in Kanto.

The first ever Pokémon Master died, Criminal masterminds were now ruling the world, earth lost all hopes of peace. At this time, a new hope was born. His father was away, no one in his family knew why. His mother named him Ash Ketchum!

As Ash grew, people could observe his kind-heartedness in everything he did, he always hung out with two people, Gary Oak son of Blue Oak, and Leaf Green, daughter of Red and Green. The three followed their parents' footsteps and began on their own Pokémon journeys, at the age of ten, along with Yellow. At the Indigo League, only Ash and Gary were present, and when asked why, Oak had no answer for Leaf. He told Ash that, Yellow stopped training, thinking she was weak, but the truth is, she died, in the hands of Team Rocket. Meanwhile, Ash and Gary continue their journeys with Ash participating and winning in the Orange Islands League, without Gary, followed by Johto with Gary, Hoenn, Sinnoh, where the two were started going on different paths, with Gary choosing to become a Pokémon professor, and Ash continuing on his dream to be the best that no one ever was. It was at this time, Ash knew the real reason, Yellow wasn't being seen around Pallet town anymore, because, she's dead!

After hearing about Yellow's death, Ash went into depression, which made him senseless, and so was he, throughout the whole of Unova league, just by maintaining a small smile on his lips. When he lost in the league, Ash's mother lost hope on him. She requested Gary to tell him to stop training, but Gary knows that is Ash's passion, and decided against it, instead he encouraged Ash. Throughout his journeys, Ash met people who helped him in tough times, and well, got motivated by him, but this time was a bit different, in Kalos, he met a person he hasn't seen for eight years, Serena Yvonne, the girl he helped when he was six. The two started to develop an interest in each other, but both being dense, did not reveal it. In the Kalos league, Ash was one step closer to victory. On the last day of their journey together, Serena, in a way confessed her love to Ash. But in every journey as much as he made friends, he even made enemies, all being the leaders of criminal organizations.

After this, Ash decided just to go to school in Alola. In Alola too, he helped people, and became an Ultra Guardian, meeting new Ultra Beasts, catching new pokémon, he grew a lot since we last saw him. I think we all know the rest. He can use Aura, he has weird yet amazing bonds with his Pokémon, he has traveled to different regions, lots in all of the leagues, again, again and again, excluding the Orange Islands, etc.

: A few months ago :

"Ash, thank you, I'm glad I came with you, you're the kind of person, I wanna be", Serena said, making the Lumiose siblings giggle, "Next time we meet, you're gonna like the person I've grown into", she said before she left.

"Awesome!" Ash replied balling up his fist, with his trademark smile, on his face.

"See ya", Serena left down the escalator, but before she reached the lower floor, she turned back, facing towards Ash, she builds up her courage and, "Hey Ash, there's just one more thing", she ran back up.

When she was on the top and was close enough to Ash, she looked at him eye into the eye, leaned forward and pecked Ash on his lips. Again, this time she goes down facing Ash, "Thank you!" she said, and with that, she left.

: The present :

Ash Ketchum, a 16 y/o boy from Pallet town, is sitting in his class, looking outside the window and wondering about something that happened at the Lumiose Airport a few months ago. The thing was Professor Kukui was teaching the class about PokéPhysics and how the Pokéballs work, and we all know Ash was in trouble.

"Ahem, Ahem! Mr. Ketchum, can you please explain what I just said", Professor Kukui called for a distracted Ash Ketchum, but, Ash being Ash, didn't snap out of his thoughts.

Professor Kukui made his way to Ash's table, and banged it, to make Ash snap out of his thoughts. "Uh! Sorry Professor Kukui, Pokéballs were made by late Professor Westwood of the Celadon University... and...", Ash said stuttering up his words.

"Ash, that was something I explained when I entered the class today, why are you so distracted son", the Professor asks Ash out of concern. Ash was upset with his own behavior, which caused him to bow his head.

"Sorry, Professor, can I... May I use the videophone?", Ash asks, Professor Kukui has never seen him so sad and so distracted, and thus, he agreed.

"Okay you may, but please return to the class soon", the Professor said, Ash, smiled, like for a mere second, bowed his head and walked out of the class. Kukui turned towards his students, "Does anyone know what's wrong with him?", he asks, the others, they all simply shrug.

Author's Note: Okay, I've decided I'll end here today, will be up with the next one soon. If you've already read my other story, Ultra Guardian, you might find some similar elements here aswell.

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