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-Skip the next passage if you don't want to know Ash's Pokémon-

A team of Pikachu, Charizard(with Charizardite Y), Greninja, Melmetal, Solgaleo, and Tyranitar and a backup of 2 Gengars, 30 Tauros, Naganadel, Goodra, Lapras, Pidgeot(Mega), Primeape, Blastoise(Mega), Mr. Mime, Inceneroar, Lycanroc, Decidueye(Didn't swallow a goddamn never stone in this story), Noivern, Hawlucha, Talonflame, Krookodile, Boldore, Palpitoad, Leavanny, Scrafty, Servine, Oshwaott, Emboar, Unfezant, Garchomp(Mega), Gliscor, Floatzel, Infernape, Torterra, Staraptor, Glaile(Mega), Crawdaunt, Sceptile(Mega), Swellow, Donphan, Noctowl, Meganium, Feraligatr, Typhlosion, Heracross(Mega), Dragonite, Red's Mewtwo(Mega X and Y), Snorlax, Muk, Kingler, Venusaur(Not Mega)(this finally decided to evolve), Lucario(Mega), Sirfetch'd and Latios(Mega)(M05).
[and a few others, if I forgot any...]


Ash was walking towards Oak laboratory to switch his pokémon and evolve his Servine by training, just then, Rotom Dex(Kukui sent it over to stay with Ash, but Ash kept it near Oak because he's not traveling), goes out and rushes towards Ash.

"Ash you have an urgent message from Champion Steven of the Hoenn Region", Rotom yells spotting Ash walking towards the Lab.

"Huh? What's the matter Rotom?", Ash questions the Rotom. Rotom then taps on his screen and shows Ash the message.

"Ash, I need you to come to Hoenn at once, use Latias and please come here, we need your h-lp. Pl-a--!"

Ash looks at Rotom after seeing this message and nods. Ash then runs to his home, and rushes into his room to pick up the Eon flute. He wears a Jacket and runs down, to summon Latias. He uses the Eon flute and summons Latias. Just then, Delia comes out asking what the matter was, following her were Leaf and Serena.

"Sorry, gotta save the world!", Ash says climbing onto Latias' back and soaring into the sky. Rotom was in his backpack and Pikachu was in his hood. With high speeds, Mega Latias flies towards the Hoenn region, while Rotom traced where Steven was. In the middle of their journey, a ring opens and Latias flies into it. Rotom's GPS stops and the place around them looks like unending seas with an Island in the middle. 

"Rotom", Ash calls for his partner, "Where are we?". Rotom comes out of Ash's bag. Pushing Pikachu out of the hood.

"Looks like, we're on a Mirage Island, one of the many mysteries of Hoenn. Legend has it that, these islands appear on a specific day, time and conditions. Some people speculate that these Island are a way to reach the mysterious Rings, that lead you to several mythical and legendary pokémon. These rings moslty look like Hoopa rings", just then Ash's brain strikes.

"Hoopa rings?", he thinks for himself. Remembering the ring that took them to the myterious place. It looked awfully familiar. Just then, they hear a sound.

"Ala Hoopa Ring!"

Ash runs toward the sound as soon as he heard it.

"Hoopa!", Ash shouts as soon as he sees the Pokémon in its unbound form, battling a Salamance.

"Ashkan! Pikan!", Hoopa shouts looking at the duo.

"Who are these people now?!", a girl in Team Magma outfit questions, "Let me go, I need to meet Rayquaza!", she shouts.

"Rayquaza?", Ash questions.

"I'm the lorekeeper Zinnia, I need to meet Rayquaza, Hoenn is going to meet it's demise, I need to save it", she shouts.

Just as they were talking another boy approaches them. Ash quickly gets alerted and tells Pikachu to get ready. The boy was wearing Orange and black clothes and a white cap with a black border, that has a hlaf pokéball. He sent out a Swampert. Zinnia stopped them, by stepping in between them.

"Enough!", she shouts at the confusion going on.

A/N: This was a bit confusing for me too... 

"I need to meet Steven, get out of my way", the two boys shout at each other.

"Wait, you're going to meet Steven too?", the question each other at the same time. The two stop talking after

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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