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Ash was standing in front of the videophone, tapping his ground quickly onto the feet. He has been calling Serena for hours now, but no avail. Saddened, Ash walks away towards his class.

By the time he reached the class, Ash realized that Professor Kukui wasn't in the class anymore. He looks around and spots Pikachu playing with Sophocles' Togedemaru. The class was just having its usual discussion, Ash just goes back to his place and takes his seat.

Thoughts were running through his mind. He looked depressed, he looked sad, he looked like he's lost. Ash wasn't who he was today, he was lost. Mallow notices him, in the situation and walks towards him.

"Ash!", she called him, placing her hand, slowly in Ash's shoulder. Ash snapped out of his thought and freaked out, screaming.

"Hey Mallow, the class today was difficult, wasn't it?", Ash said, trying to cover up his sadness.

"What's the matter Ash, you look sad", Mallow asks him. Ash didn't know what to say, he took a deep breath and started to speak.

"Uh! Nothing, I'm totally fine", he says pulling his smile. From a distance, the yellow little creature looks at him in confusion.

"Pi?", it thinks, twisting its head in confusion. It then runs up towards its master.

"You tell the answer or you're gonna see hell!", Mallow says, wanting answers. Ash would've seen hell if not because of his pal Pikachu. Pikachu comes running up his shoulders and nuzzles it's own cheeks with his, in an attempt to cheer him up. Ash smiles and slowly starts to laugh. Seeing Ash happy makes Mallow smile.

"I'll leave you for now, but I want my answers, and next time, it won't be so easy", Mallow says walking away.

"Whatever?", Ash says shrugging off. He then turns towards Pikachu and pets it.

"Chaa...", the electric mouse reacts to its petting. The rest of the day passes as a usual day.

It was past dinner in the night, Ash has gone to sleep, along with his Pokémon. Professor Kukui was about to sleep when Burnet starts to speak.

"Kukui don't you think it's been a long time since we've been on vacation?", Burnet asks her husband. Kukui, on the other hand, doesn't respond. Burnet taps him to make him listen to her.

"Huh? Yes, it's been so long", Kukui replies. Burnet noticed Kukui was thinking about something.

"What happened?", Burnet asks Kukui.

"It's about the kid..." Kukui replies.

"What about the kid?", Burnet questions.

"Don't know why, but he seems a bit distracted", Kukui says.

"Might be good if we can be sending him home", Burnet suggests.

"Yes, anyone would miss home, and he is just a 16-year-old kid, and we can expect such things", Kukui replies. But things running in Kukui's mind were different, "Is he in love?", he whispers to himself.

"What?", Burnet questions trying to figure out what Kukui just said.

"It's nothing, Good Night Hun", Kukui says closing his eyes.

"Good Night hubby", Burnet says, pulling the covers.

Two days later, Ash was walking through the forest, looking around himself. "The beauty of Kanto!", he says walking through the woods. Pikachu was walking alongside him, it was happy it was visiting home. After a few moments of walking, they notice a glare in the sky, the two look up to spot the sudden shadow of the creature that was on top of them.

"Char!", the mighty creature roared, greeting its master. Ash looked up to it with a sparkle in his eyes.

"Charizard!", Ash says running towards the spot where Charizard was about to land. When Charizard finally landed, Ash and Pikachu tackled it in a hug.

"PikaPika", Pikachu greets its friend.

"Why were you here, anyway?", Ash asks Charizard.

"Charizard Char", it replies, saying it went to meet Charla and was on its way back to Oak's lab.

"Oh, can you get us a ride home?", Ash questions it. Charizard nods in approval. Ash and Pikachu get onto Charizard's back and they take off towards Pallet town.

Ash made Charizard land in front of his house and pets it. "Thanks, Charizard, better you go back to Professor Oak, or he'll be worried", Ash tells it, but Charizard doesn't move. "Guess you wanna stay, okay then", Ash says but he has no pokéball, so he instructs Charizard to go to the backyard. He then walks through the door into the house.

"Mom, I'm home!", Ash shouts, making Delia come out of the kitchen. She runs towards him and hugs him.

"A...Ash, you didn't tell me you were coming", she starts to sob in happiness.

"M...o...m... ai...r!", Ash says congested in his mom's hug. She lets him loose, but what both of them didn't notice was, Pikachu got squeezed between Ash and Delia. After being freed, it was eyeing the two angrily, but its anger doesn't last, and it starts to smile.

"You look so tired, go to your room and have some rest, I'll call you when food's ready", Delia tells Ash.

Two days later, Ash is seen battling with Gary on the Pokémon battlefield of the Oak laboratory. When suddenly, the two get disturbed.

"So, the amateur is battling", a voice speaks to them. The two pause their battle.

"Hey, who're you calling amateur!", Ash and Gary yell in unison. Around them, they could see nothing but weed rolling. Ash and Gary looked at each other puzzled for a second.

"That couldn't be an illusion if both of us heard it", Ash says.

"I know it Ashy Boy, and I didn't come from Sinnoh to end a match like this, I want to win", Gary says forming a fist. But everyone in the field could hear a groan, and everyone knew where it was coming from, Ash's stomach.

The two childhood friends have a little laugh at it and move towards Ash's house, but what both didn't know was something bad was being planned behind their backs.

"So, Ketchum, tell me more about this Serena", Gary asks Ash teasingly, and Gary is the only person who knows that Ash has feelings for Serena.

"Shrug it off, Oak Tree", Ash replies. The two reach Ash's home and have lunch, but going back to the lab, they see wreckage everywhere, the two run to find, Professor Oak.

"Professor!", Ash says spotting the injured Professor. He was motionless but breathing. Gary runs towards his grandfather.

"Gramps! Gramps get up", Gary yells, trying to wake Professor Oak up.

Finally, after hours of trying, Ash and Gary wake the Professor, and he informs Ash that someone he trusted a lot, has done this.

"Ash, it's... it's Misty... I could only save these", Oak says, handing Ash a few pokéballs. The pokéballs containing Charizard and Gible. Oak hands Gary, Gary's pokéball and starts to breathe heavily.

"But why?", Ash murmurs to himself, "No, I don't believe it, she couldn't, she shouldn't", Ash completes.

"Ash let's take Gramps to the hospital first", Gary tells Ash. And the two start to go to the Pokémon Center in Viridian city. Ash was disappointed, more than ever, now that his Pokémon was gone too, he had work to do.

A few hours later, in the lobby of Viridian City Pokémon center was a sitting a boy, who would change the history of the Pokémon world forever. His dreams were torn apart, the person he trusted for nearly half his life was a traitor, and only Arceus knows what's going to happen.

Author's Note: Okay, so people might be wondering why I picked a betrayal story, since it's very common and can be found everywhere on the internet, but man aren't they all the same, for a proper story I had to get Leaf into the story.

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