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"I saw them lose, I helped them, they saw me lose and betrayed me. Now's the time, I win and take my revenge", Ash said, with his head down. Serena holding his shoulder. Slowly pressing it, she tried to soothe him. Ash was never like this, the joyful and ever smiling Ash, had disappeared. He started to act like someone different, someone way denser than the Ketchum she knew.

Serena was dreaming all this, sleeping on the Pokémon Center bed, Ash in the adjacent room. In the lobby, were Kiawe who was taking care of Pikachu, Gladion, and Paul, along with, Gary, who came to Alola, with Max. Serena was sleeping peacefully in her room, when Nurse Joy enters the room, to check on her. Nurse Joy didn't want to disturb the sleeping girl and when she was about to close the door, someone, hit Joy, on her head. As she looks back, she sees a girl, who was about the same age as Serena.

"W...hy...?", Joy says, crumbling on to the ground. The girl looks at Joy with a sly smile. After Joy left her consciousness, the girl walks into the room. She looks at Serena for a brief second.

"So, you're the girl, that fell for that little kid. Hmm, quite curvy, beautiful and sexy I must say. I love that cute smile too, it won't be that easy to kill you seeing that smile", the girls say walking forward. She then lightly taps on Serena's shoulder, trying to wake her up. Serena shook her head off before she woke up and looked at the girl. Serena tries her best to open her eyes widely.

"Who... Who are you?", Serena questions the girl. The girl looks at Serena, smiling wickedly. She then takes out a small knife, without Serena noticing it. Serena was scared, none of her Pokémon were with her, nor was Ash.

"Don't worry beautiful. Ash is just going to lose, the one thing, he loves the most", Iris says slowly, revealing the Knife. Serena wanted to scream, but then, the two of them, hear a voice.

"As if that's going to happen!", an unknown voice says, standing at the door. Iris looks back at the unknown person. It was another girl, about the same age as Iris and Serena. Juggling her pokéball in her hand, she enters the room.

"Who are you?", Iris questions the girl, with a serious look on her face. Holding, the edge of the knife near Serena's throat.

"You need not know, who I am, but, Ash... Ash mustn't lose, anything more!", the girl says, releasing her Venusaur, and commanding it to attack Iris. Venusaur, throws Iris out of the Pokémon Center, by breaking the wall. Serena looks at the girl, who just protected her.

"Why does, she seem so familiar?", Serena thinks to herself. Serena looks at the girl for another few seconds, until her mind sparks. Serena then starts to recollect things from her childhood. She remembers everything from the time she got into her senses, it all stops at one place, the forest in Kanto.


Ash just helped her out of the woods, and the two were walking back to the camp, holding hands. As they approached the camp, two noticeable figures, could be seen. In the camp were two people, waiting eagerly for Ash, to play the game 'Pokémon Masters'. After reaching a proper distance, Ash introduced the two to Serena.

"Serena, meet them, Leaf and Gary, my best friends", Ash said pointing towards Gary and Leaf. "And guys, meet her, Serena. She's also here for Professor Oak's Camp", he says pointing towards Serena.

"Ooooo, so Ashy found himself a girlfriend in the woods", Gary teasingly replies to Ash. Both Ash and Serena blushed really hard. Gary bursts into laughter looking at their faces. Leaf then, hits Gary on his head, for being such a jerk. She walks forward and smiles looking at Serena. Serena smiles back.

"Hello Serena, I'm Leaf, nice to meet you!", Leaf says stretching her hand, with a brilliant smile. Serena smiles and accepts her hand. In the light of the setting sun, two people became friends.

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