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"He could have become the next Red if he chose to. But, he stood against it", a boy around 16 years of age, tells standing next to a window. His two hands behind his back. Across the room, on the other side, was sitting another boy, almost the same age.

"Then, what did he mean by becoming a Pokémon Master?", the other boy asked. He was short-tempered and wanted answers. "Tell me Oak! or you are going to lose your tooth!", the boy shouted.

"It's much more than that", Gary Oak replies, "You see Paul, he's been an inspiration to many, including the people who betrayed him", the room became quite all of sudden, a few minutes of silence between the two friends.

"So, where's he now?", Paul questions Gary. Gary had no answer for that. It's been five months since Ash's disappearance.

"I don't know! Last time someone spotted him in public, it's the Melemele Island. He isn't in touch with us, he isn't in touch with his classmates, nor any of the Professors. He needs his time", Gary tells Paul, lowering his head.

"So, what do you think, you're going to leave those people who hurt your Grandfather?", Paul questions Gary, "What are you, a kid? Gary, we need to show those people what we are capable of, first Ash, then your Grandfather and then...", Paul abruptly stops, remembering, the one girl he loved, with all his heart. Gary lifts his head up and looks straight to Paul, he walks over to Paul, and places his own hand on Paul's shoulder.

"Don't worry Paul, everything will be alright, first we'll have to find all those people who are on our side, I never thought I'd say this, but, we're going to start a war", Gary says clutching his fist. Anger can be seen in his eyes. "First, we've to keep it a secret, no one should know, who attacked my laboratory in Pallet Town, neither the press nor the public, no one should know, who made your life such a tragedy, no one should know, why Ash has disappeared. It's our revenge, for Ash, my Gramps and the life you lost. This is the fight of our lives. And we'll win it whatever it takes!", Gary ends the speech.

"But first we need to find Ash. It's his revenge too after all", Paul adds.

"For that, we need to travel to the Alola region. But, we've fallen short of time already", Gary tells Paul.

"We can do one thing, you travel around gather people on our side. I will go to Alola and find Ash", Paul replies. The two of them agree with their plan.

It's been three months since, the closure of the Pokémon Trainers School, in Melemele Island. All the students who studied along with Ash have passed out of the school after their age crossed 16.

Meanwhile, Ash was atop Wela Volcano, training with his Garchomp. Ash has been successful in evolving, all of his current Pokémon to their respected final evolutions and gathering their respected Mega Evolution Crystals. His team contained Pikachu, Charizard, Greninja, Pidgeot, Decidueye, and Melmetal, having the Backups such as Blastoise, Garchomp, Incineroar, Lycanroc, Marshadow, Butterfree, Primeape and Lapras. Ash was successful in collecting, Charizardite X, Pideotite, Blastoisinite, and Garchompite mega stones, along with mastering the powers of Pikashnium Z and collecting, Incinium Z, Decidium Z, Lycanium Z, and Marshadium Z, along with all the type Z moves, Alola can offer.

By this time, a new person was added to the betrayer list, Lana. She was keeping Misty updated with Ash's actions. But, Aether Foundation had his back and so did Gladion.

Meanwhile, in the Kanto region, in a deserted place was a big structure made up of metal. Inside were many rooms and offices. Many jails, many workers, many Pokémon. Three similar faces were walking through the public inside. Two adults of opposite genders and a Meowth. They enter an office room, and inside was a man in the shadows, petting a Persian, he was facing the opposite direction.

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