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Quiet, brilliant and astounding, this was how the bare universe looked to Gary's eyes, as he was surfing through the void of space, on what seemed like an unending journey. All he could think was the brutality, of those traitors.

"Professor, are you sure this will work?", Gary asks, Paradox.

"You know something Oak?", Paradox asks the young man, who looks at him, with confusion in his eyes.

"What is it, professor?", Gary asks the otherworldly old man.

"It's quite a long story, you know that Sycamore right?"

"Yes, what about him?"

"He is supposed to be my counterpart, in your branch of this universe", the not so old man told the teen, who looked quite a bit confused.

"Um, can you explain that again?", the boy asked out of his confusion.

"Let's get to this from the start", the man takes a break. "At some point, I was working for Area 51, of my Earth. In the 50s, I came across the special properties in quartz crystals. And that's where my life took a serious turn, I received government funding to break a hole in the space-time continuum. However, a slight miscalculation, and an explosion accidentally caused by my panicked assistant Hugo to throw me into the event horizon, where I remained for a hundred thousand years. I was displaced outside of time, where I didn't age, or have to sleep or eat; I just had to exist. I went insane for a while, but then got bored and regained my sanity. I gained a complete understanding of the space-time continuum, though I forgot my original name in the process, thanks to my earth's counterpart of your dad, I was back to normal."

"Wait, you mean on your earth my dad is still alive?"

"Umm... that's a yes, his name is Ben Tennyson!"

"Ben what?"

"Ben Tennyson, the protector of earth and the universe, 'that he belongs to'"

"That's so cool!"

"Yes it is and, wait, there's more, so as for after I became sane again, I went through the 4th dimension of time, and then, I made many discoveries, which no normal human can understand."


"I came through the time splits."

"The time splits?"

"Yes, the beginning of everything, where the so-called 4th dimension theory of normal humans isn't applicable anymore. The time splits are like seeds."

"Seeds? Professor this is getting too confusing!"

"Okay, what happens when you sow seeds in an order?"

"A field of crops."

"Yes, my son, but these aren't just the seeds of normal crops. These are seeds of gigantic and big trees, each of them, resembling a multiverse."

"It's understandable... at least until here..."

"So, as each tree resembles a multiverse, each multiverse has its own start. And in each of those multiverses, after just a split of a Planck length, everything changes and thus, the universes start to have their own differences."

"So, what I could conclude is, there exists a multi-multiverse, where stuff isn't only different but weird in all sorts of ways."

"If you sum it up like that?...", Paradox takes a breath, "Yeah, it's pretty much the same."

As the conversation was happening, Gary and Paradox get sucked out of their track, and land on top of a building. This new place looked awfully familiar to Gary.

"Well, Gary may I get to know what you're thinking of?", Paradox asks the young man, as Gary steps forward, and reaches the edge of the building.

"Professor, this...this... looks a lot like Unova", Gary replies.

"Well, yes, if you may assume, yes! But, this isn't the quite Unova you're used to. It's New York, the place of, all disasters, the home for criminal masterminds, and also the home for, John Wick!"

"John what?"

"Wick! He's quite a man!... It's better if we leave, it's dangerous around here", and thus, the two again walk back into the portal.

Meanwhile back on the Pokémon World. Iris is walking through the mysterious woods of the Kanto region. She was walking past Lavender Town. Slowly, the landscape around her starts to change. Everything gets blurred out, then she started to hear laughter. Iris was slowly starting to freak out. She then holds her pokéballs in her hands.

Through the shadows, a small creepy smile could be seen. The smile widens when Iris gets closer to it.

"Wh... Who are you?", the girl questions starting to tremble in fear.

"Why are you fearing woman?", a voice not so humane was heard around her.

"Who are you?", Iris questioned back, holding her pokéballs firm.

"Now, now, give those here", the voice said as the pokéballs flew away as if they were snatched.

"No, my Pokémon", Iris ran towards the direction of the pokéballs.

"What do you mean by "MY" pokéballs woman? These could be anyone's Pokémon."

"What do you mean by anyone? Are you Team Rocket? Team Plasma?", Iris questioned back.

"No woman, I'm none of those. And if your pokémon didn't want to stay with you, now, would they have let you catch them? The answer will be no! Am I wrong? These Pokémon of yours chose you! Else, they would have run away, wouldn't they?"

"Ash!?", Iris shouted back stunned.


"Then, who are you?", Iris demanded questioning back.

"Me? One of those weak little Pokémon Ash has befriended a long while back!", the voice spoke turning creepier.


"When Ash saw me, I was just a small Haunter. He left at Sabrina. She helped me grow. Now, I'm a Gengar. And I have a friend, you're supposed to meet, Darkrai! The Pokémon known for Nightmares", The Gengar said, with a creepy laugh.

"And, oh since you've failed to understand you're Pokémon. Let me ask them, how should I punish their master!", another voice spoke out, this was the voice of Darkrai.

"Oh my god, Darkrai spoke, does that mean? No!", Gengar had a creepy laugh.

"What does that mean?", Iris said stepping back and trembling.

"It means Death!", Darkrai said as it released all of Iris's Pokémon onto her. Her Pokémon in fury attacked the girl and she was no more.

Arceus senses this and smiles.

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