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"What did you do?!...", a fading voice, talked into the thin air. The voice came from a young boy, around 17 years of age. He was crying, though not visible on his face, his voice was filled with bitter sadness. There were battle scars on his body, and moreover, there were two dead bodies in front of him. This boy, known as Ash Ketchum, now raised his head and looked up. Fury was visible in his eyes, "WHAT! DID! YOU! DO?!", he shouted, as he looked at his opponents. On the other side were very familiar faces, who recently betrayed their friend, Ash Ketchum. They were smiling, that was until now, but, seeing the rage in Ash's eyes, their smile slowly died away.

Seeing him this angry, Gary Oak, his childhood friend started to walk towards him, to try and calm him down. "Ash, I'm sorry, you will need to cal...", Gary spoke, before Ash, abruptly stops him with a, "JUST GET LOST!". Gary ignores it and continues to move towards his childhood best friend, but Ash was in no mood to be calmed, and turns towards Gary with a, "I SAID! GET LOST!". He then slowly looks back towards the people who killed his girlfriend and his rival turned friend, he signals his pokémon, to do a very special attack. This special attack was granted by Arceus himself. But as much effective that attack would be, with that attack, not only his enemies, but Ash himself would die, as a result of the energy used. This move was taught only to be used as a last resort, only if there aren't any chances of winning. Ash slowly forms his fist, as he raises it into the sky, covering the setting sun. After a brief moment, he opens that same fist, light rays were now protruding through, the gaps. "GODLY DEATH STRIKE!", Ash yells, his voice soaring up through the heavens. Energy beams start to flow from each of Ash's Pokémon, they were using every bit of strength they had left in them.

As the attack was released, the enemies had nowhere to move, they were paralyzed, and some were trembling. As the attack hit the ground, a big sphere of energy was formed, which slowly started spreading in all directions. It was rapidly moving towards Ash and his Pokémon. But, Ash was quick to recapture his Pokémon before the energy ball consumed them. As it looked like the energy consumed all of his betrayers and was about to consume Ash, it stops. As Arceus taught him this attack, it wouldn't stop until it consumes the person who did it. But what happened, why did it have to stop. As Ash started to look around, all of the betrayers were still alive.

"But how!", Ash said to himself. He then heard a few roars, as he kept searching around, Dialga, the Pokémon that ruled over time, and Palkia, the Pokémon the rules over space, slowly appeared behind Ash's enemies. Pikachu as always managed to sneak out of its Pokéball, and climbed up Ash's shoulder. Back to everyone, they were all in utter shock; they couldn't believe their own eyes, as the sons of Arceus, were helping, the chosen one's enemies. Ash looked down as the still air started to blow, his cap started to flutter, and slowly, flew up. Not too long after that, did Pikachu grab it mid-air and put it back on his master's head. Ash slowly, nuzzled Pikachu, as he turned back.

"I forfeit!", he said, as he started to collect his pokéballs, and tucked them in his belt. Gary felt like a thunderstorm hit him. Ash was on the brink of winning. His pokémon now were so strong, that, they could defeat all of the champions, and yet, all of his pokémon would survive without fainting. Ash slowly started to walk away. He wouldn't even if he was scared of legendaries. He was always, ready to die, to save the world. But now, he walked away.

"That's what you get for facing off against us, you...", the traitors spoke, as they were cut off, with a simple gesture from Ash. Ash slowly, lifted his hand, showing them a middle finger. As Ash approached Leaf, he took off his cap and gave it to her. As Leaf looked into Ash's eyes, she could see, the shattered pieces of his heart. Ash gave a quick smile to Leaf before he turned back to his enemies.

"Not Now!", Ash said as he walked away into the distance. Leaf looked at Ash helplessly, as he forfeited his match. Gary couldn't do anything, but leaving him, so he could get himself, some peaceful time.

For many days, this event was talked about, and as time passed, Ash Ketchum, became a myth of the past. A year passed, since that day, following his friend's footsteps, Gary began to retrain, to take revenge, on behalf of his Grandfather and his best friend, Ash. Gary Oak was now the Defending Champion of Kanto. "This is for you gramps and Ketchum!".

"Ash, where ever you are, my victory is always dedicated to you!", a young woman spoke, stepping out onto a stage. Leaf Green, now the new Kalos Queen, was ready yet to defend her position from another new participant.

"I might lose this match Ash, but I'm sure, that one day, this Hoenn League, finalist, will become a champion!", a young boy, spoke looking up into the sky. Max might've been the runner up this time, but the next time, he will for sure be the Champion.

Far out of reach, in the Distortion World, Ash Ketchum was training restlessly. From the soft, kind-hearted trainer, he transformed into a heartless battle addict. Though he still cared about his Pokémon, it was only his Pokémon that this young man now cared about. He wasn't only ignoring his friends, but this time, he was also ignoring the one who chose him.

Meanwhile, the weather was getting worse and worse in parts of the world. Deep, dark clouds formed above the Kalos Region. Leaf, who was in her room, clutched to Ash's Cap for confidence, as she felt scared. As the wind blew, she could hear voices, voices, that she missed since her childhood. This fact made her more scared. She could now hear footsteps, but she was the only person, in the building today, she was getting chills down her, spine as she slowly walked towards, the door, with Ash's cap clutched tightly, to her chest. Before she could open the door, she felt a touch on her shoulder. She felt scared at first, but after a few seconds, she realized who that touch belonged to.

"DAD!", Leaf cried, as she turned back, and hugged, the man. The man, to her by her head, and, comforted her. Leaf slowly, moved back to take a look at her father. Tears rolling down her eyes, and smile building on her face.

"The one and only! Red!", Red spoke as he pointed to himself.

"Dad! You dummy...", Leaf spoke. Red didn't want to waste any time, so first, he told Leaf, what she had to do. That was to search for Ash in Pasio, the long-lost island, where League Champions would hold their ultimate battle. Leaf promised she'd do so. Red didn't want to waste any more time, because his presence in the world of the living would cause distractions in continuity, and thus, comforting his daughter one last time, he faded away.

Meanwhile, in Kanto, a visitor knocked at Oak's house. Professor Paradox, the time-traveler, walked into Oak's house. Paradox explained Gary everything he needed to know just with a tap on his head.

"I'm ready to start Professor.", Gary looked down, and then back at Paradox, "Anything for Ash!". Gary replied, thinking about his lost best friend.

"You know the plan!", Paradox said, motioning his head.

"Yes, travel safely to a different multiverse, the rest, I'll figure out, as I journey through the continuity tunnel", Gary says. Paradox simply hands him a watch and gives him instructions about it.

Breaking the 4th Wall:

"You sure do know how to not spoil the story!", Paradox said, winking towards the author.

"But professor, can't Arceus, just resurrect them?", Gary questions.

"Guess I spoke too fast!", Paradox says hitting his head. "You see child Arceus, has the power only to create life forms. He never resurrects", Paradox answered.

"Hey, knock it off", the author said, sealing the wall back.

A/N: Anyways, from official sources, we know Arceus, has never resurrected anyone, at least until now. So, I'm going with it.

"Okay, so this is the button?", Gary says as he pushes a button, and a Portal opens.

"Yes, it is!", Paradox says as Gary walks into the portal.

A/N: That portal from a watch is inspired by the apple watch commercial. Anyways, thanks for reading, and Adios.

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