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"Though it hasn't been officially heard from the Old Professor about the attack on Oak Laboratory, new sources prove that Team Rocket is behind the attack of this world-famous laboratory and Pokémon Reserve of Pallet Town. Notably, no trainer's Pokémon was stolen other than those of, the Town's own Ash Ketchum", the news reporter reads, as Ash Ketchum watches the TV from the Celadon City Pokémon Center. After listening to this, Ash crushes the soda can in his hand, by clenching his fist as hard as possible.

"Lies, all lies! Team Rocket would've done it fair and square!", Ash murmurs to himself. Just then Nurse Joy calls Ash, to take his Pokémon, he picks all eight of his Pokémon.

A/N: Since the Oak lab was attacked, Ash's Pokéballs have nowhere to teleport themselves to, and so, he can carry them around.

It's been three weeks since the attack, since the Betrayal, Ash was in the Hoenn region sitting under a tree, having his food. While eating, he remembers his best friend, Brock. He starts to cry without his own knowledge. The brother who thought was his best friend betrayed him, and he was hurt. He then wipes off his tears and stands up. Pikachu, who was enjoying his berries, notices Ash now. But his sadness turns into a smile by now.

"Pikachu, we gotta move, are you done?", Ash says looking at Pikachu with a smile. Ash was successful to re-capture, Primeape, Butterfree, Lapras, and his Squirtle, which was at training with an Officer Jenny.

Ash and Pikachu were now walking through the forest, until they two find a house, to be honest, it was a Mansion. Ash now walks towards the entrance of the Mansion and knocks the door. No one opens it, Ash knocks again, and still, there wasn't any sort of response. Ash was now getting a bit tensed and he now speeds up knocking the door. He was about to break the door, when a young lady, about the same age as Ash, opens the door. And Ash crashes into her. The two of them crash into the living room of the house.

Slowly the two of them recover from the crash. The hugs Ash in excitement.

"Serena!", Ash says softly, hugging her back.

"Ash!", Serena, replies softly. The two of them embrace for quite a bit of time when they decide to break the hug. Pikachu was watching all this, its jaw hanging down onto the floor. Ash turns to Pikachu with a blush.

"So, buddy, I forgot to tell you, Serena will be joining us again, on our new journey", Ash says rubbing the back of his head.

Author: But, Ash you were supposed to, you know, love Leaf in this story.
Ash: Shut up Author, this is my story, I can love whoever I want, and because of whom the fans will enjoy.
Author: WTF!
Ash: Now go back to writing the story.
Author: Okay, whatever.

That night, Pikachu was having a good time with his Ketchup, when Ash walks into the room after training with Squirtle and finally, evolving it into a Wartortle. Serena was in the kitchen preparing dinner. Ash freshens up and goes into the kitchen to see what Serena was doing. In the kitchen, Serena was busy preparing dinner. Ash approaches her, his heart beating a thousand times per second.

"Here goes nothing", Ash whispers to himself, "Hey Serena", Ash calls for the girl. But the girl who was busy in her cooking doesn't hear Ash. Ash goes into the kitchen, Serena was alone, he walks up to her, and scares her.

"Ash! You literally, scared me", she says throwing a Poképuff at Ash. But, Ash being, Ash manages to defend himself.

"What was that for?", he asks Serena, not angry, not smiling, not in any mood but in a plain and soothing tone.

"Sorry Ash", she says, looking at Ash in his eyes.

"Hey Serena, I wanna ask you something", Ash starts.

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