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"Um... What just happened?", Gary who just entered the room and was still shocked by the thing that happened mere moments ago. Serena and Leaf together, kissed Ash while Gary was watching.

"Wait! Gary! I have no idea what's going on! I entered the room to have a conversation with Serena, and this happened", Ash who was about to burst into a million pieces, in anxiety replies to Gary. Seeing the three of them blush, Gary started to chuckle, and ultimately, burst out into laughter.

"Chillax Ashy Boy, it's not something unexpected. I always knew Leaf had a crushy, crushy on you, isn't it Leafy?", Gary tells the three, who were still in shock.

"Leafy? Oak, one more time you call me that, my fist, goes into your tooth!", Leaf yells, standing up. Gary puts his hands forward, to defend himself. Ash was getting frustrated, as to what was happening around him. He started to stand slowly, his blood boiling with anger.

"SHUT UP!", Ash shouts standing up. He started to get angry, and with the building anger, falls down to the ground. As Ash goes into a state of hibernation, Gary was quick to catch him.

Darkness all around, Ash was floating in empty space, his head blanked out. Slowly, Ash started to come into normal senses, he quickly realized, what had happened a few minutes ago. That kiss from both of them felt natural, it felt like it should've been there since the beginning. In a flash of bright light, something appeared before Ash, along with Arceus' voice.

"A few millenniums ago, while deciding the fates of the Chosen One, due to the improper planning of me and my sons, one of the Chosen One's life was split into two. To correct that same mistake, my sons have suggested, to instead separate one person in his life, then splitting his own life into two. You were destined to be the Chosen One for your era. Ash, you'll need to listen and understand, Leaf and Serena, are not two different people, they are one and the same", the voice faded away, and so did the visuals. Ash was in utter shock after hearing this, but he had no chance, but to respect the decision of God. Slowly, Ash regained his senses and was open his eyes, Gary was all the way across the room, doing some research.

"G...Gary, where are Serena and Leaf?", Ash asks his old friend, trying to sit upon the bed. Gary quickly turns to face Ash and rushes to help his friend sit up.

"Ash, don't stress yourself, the doctor told you've to rest", Gary replies. Ash looks at Gary into the eyes, with a fierce expression. Gary can understand Ash. Ash was angry, he wanted answers.

"Answer! My! Question!", Ash says pulling out the needle from his fist. Slowly blood started to drip from his hands. He was in the patient clothes.

"They're out the two of them. They're regretting what they've done to you, considering your situation", Gary was telling all this with his head down, but as he lifts his head up, Ash was dressed in his usual clothes, about to open the door. Ash then turns back.

"You coming, or not?", Ash questions Gary. A smile slowly building upon his face, Gary hasn't seen Ash like this for over a year now. Is the Joyful Ash back?

Five weeks have passed, in the Kalos region, a man, in what seemed to be a lab coat, was walking across, the street. The weird thing was, he was disappearing and reappearing after every pole he was crossing. He then stops by an awfully familiar building, and stops, he was about to knock the door, but quickly, thought it'd be a good idea if he had entered the building, he walks slowly into the building. He passes a table that had contained three Pokéballs and enters the Garden. Another man, in a purple shirt, wearing a lab coat was analyzing a few pokémon. The man did not notice, this stranger who had entered his building.

"Long time professor", the stranger greets, the man in the purple shirt. The man faces to look at this stranger, he then waves.

"Hey Professor Paradox!", the man greets this stranger, this man then walks up to Paradox, and places his readings on a nearby table.

"So, Sycamore, how're you doing?", Paradox asks his old friend. The two started to walk back into the building.

"Not better than you. So, Paradox, how's Tennyson?", Sycamore asks Paradox. But who is this Tennyson and who is Paradox?

A/N: It's not a complete crossover story, but yeah, at some point Gary will be going interdimensional traveling. Professor Paradox is a character from Ben 10, a space-time traveler, and a friend of Ben.

"He's doing good Sycamore. But I need your help to track down, this person named Gary Oak. My observations tell me that he'll be needing my help", Paradox breaks the reason, for why he's here. Sycamore, is quite shocked to hear a co-Professor's Grandson's name, but, breaks the silence, by walking towards, his laptop.

"Gary Oak, you say? He's been off the charts for a few months now, not only him, but many of Ash's friends are!", Sycamore tells Paradox. Paradox looks into his stopwatch thingy before he talks back.

"I think I know the reason, for them, being off charts, but I shall not mess with the time. If my observations are correct, Gary is currently in Kalos, with six other people, searching for someone, who resides in this same city", Paradox announces. Sycamore thinks for a while.

"Could it be, Clemont and Bonnie, because, they are friends of Ash as well, and as for now, they are still not hiding from the world like the others", Sycamore informs Paradox.

"Well, then shall we go sight-seeing", Paradox tells as he walks off into a portal. Sycamore smiles and shakes off his head. He then walks off towards the door.

Meanwhile, near Lumiose City, Gary, Paul, Max, Ash, Leaf, and Serena were facing off against Cilan and crew. The battle was edged onto, Ash's side, until, Iris releases a fierce-looking Reshiram. It was not hers for sure, it was being controlled through machinery, what seemed like mind control. And slowly, all of the villains started to send OP Pokémon.

"Ash, I think it's better we retreat, they're out trying to murder us, or something, we cannot, loose, until the finale", Max tells Ash. Ash was in no mood to listen to his young friend, he releases all of his Pokémon at once, and commands them to attack. From afar, a similar looking character, watches, as the Demise of Ash is nearby.

A few of the Opposing people command their Pokémon to use Counter. All the attacks were countered. It seemed like it was heading for Ash, until the last second, it was heading for Ash, until when Leaf interferes. But in the blink of a second, it was Serena, who met her fate.

Ash was on the brink of bursting into tears. The one he loved the most has turned into ashes in front of his own eyes.

"S...SERENA!", he shouted, exploding into tears, not knowing another fierce attack was coming straight for him.

"You're going to go to the same place your girlfriend did!", Misty says commanding the team to perform an attack. The attack was headed straight for Ash until Paul intervenes to take the hit. Falling onto his knees, Paul, wanted to speak something. He turns towards Ash and with a smile on his face, collapses. As Ash goes to his dying friend, Paul starts to speak.

"A...Ash, I'm sorry buddy, I have to do this. And I know for a fact that you are the only one, that can avenge my Dawn", Paul says closing his eyes.

A/N: Sorry if you've felt that this chapter was rushed, I had to. Bye!

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