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It's been three days since, the attack on Oak lab and most importantly the Betrayal. The person whom he thought to be his sister, a good friend and a shoulder to cry on, Misty, betrayed him. He was sitting in the Viridian City Pokémon center, still thinking about the same incident. When he abruptly stands and walks out, Pikachu following closely behind. Gary comes out from Professor Oak's hospital room, with a few papers in his hands.

"Hey Ashy, Nurse Joy said, we could take Gramps hom... Ash?", Gary speaks without the knowledge of Ash leaving. He runs outside, Ash was nowhere to be found. Gary looks towards the forest, and then runs for it, thinking Ash went that way. But Ash was hiding behind the Pokémon center. And after noticing Gary running towards Pallet town, Ash quickly sprints to the opposite side. Pikachu didn't know what to do, but to follow it's trainer, as he was running towards Pewter City.

After a few minutes, Ash reached the Pewter City Gym. The outside looked deserted, but Ash decided to check, the inside, it looked more isolated in the inside. Ash checked the Gym, for traces, all he could find was dust. But in one corner, was a slip, fluttering. Ash goes to grab and see what it was. It was a letter, purposely kept there for the young trainer to read.

So, you are finally here... Loser! It's a shame to us knowing that we are your friends, knowing that we are the friends of, a Loser! Not only Brock but all of your friends are with me. Better you quit searching for us and lead a normal life.

These words felt like a thunderclap for Ash. Not only Misty, but Brock and many other of his traveling companions betrayed him. Tears were dwelling up in his eyes. The Ash, the whole world knew, collapsed onto the ground crying. Pikachu was trying to console him, but no use. After a few minutes of crying, beating his head onto the ground, Ash stands up, still crying. Ash Ketchum, turns around and starts to walk towards the exit.

Meanwhile, in Pallet Town, Delia was worried about her one and only son. She wanted him to quit training, but she didn't want to break his heart. So, she decided to stay against it. The only person who knows it being Gary Oak. Gary was searching the whole of Pallet Town and around for Ash. A few minutes later, Gary gets a call, saying that Professor Oak, will be discharged from the Hospital, and Gary has to go and bring him home. After a few minutes of searching, Gary decides to head to the hospital.

Ash was walking through the woods, taking small steps, his hands in his pockets, Pikachu following closely behind. Both of them looked depressed. While all this was happening, they were being observed. One more step and the furious bird jumps in front of its trainer, surprising him.

"PIDGAW!", it bird pokémon yelled it's voice out, excited to see it's trainer again, after so long.

"Huh! Pidgeot!", Ash says running towards it and hugging it, "I just thought I lost you guys...", Ash says crying.

"Pid?", it looks at its trainer in confusion, and then at Pikachu. Pikachu then explains everything that had happened. Ash's Pidgeot was dumbstruck, after hearing what just happened. It then walks towards its trainer and tries to console him. Ash has no other Pokémon left, other than Pikachu, Charizard, Gible, Lycanroc, Meltan, Rowlet, and Torracat. Now, Pidgeot wants to join him back.

Ash catches Pidgeot back. A thought starts to run in his mind. Not all, the Pokémon he caught were in Professor Oak's Lab, some were training, some of them went on their own journeys and some stayed back to look after a specified territory. Ash's tears slowly start to disappear, and a faint smile appears on his face. He turns towards Pikachu, resulting in Pikachu to look at him confused.

"Pikachu, you ready to restart?", Ash says maintaining, the smile on his face.

"Pi?", it questions confused. But the smile on his trainer's face cheers him up, and Pikachu agrees.

"Well then, the quest rebegins!", Ash says, balling up his fist. But deep down, he knows he's sad, sadness that can only be overcome by revenge, and he exactly knows how to get it. Through the woods, he walks towards the Pokémart, of Viridian City.

Before entering the Mart, a blinding white light covers the surroundings of Ash. It was as if Arceus wanted to converse with him.

"Ash Ketchum", a voice came from the blinding white light. Ash knew who that voice belonged to, and so was quick to respond.

"Arceus!", Ash responded. But then the light fades away, leaving Ash back in front of the Mart. "What was that?", Ash thinks to himself, before entering the Mart. He gets some urgent supplies and then makes his way into the Pokémon Center, only to get smacked on the face by Gary Oak.

"Hey, what did you think of, to leave me like that, without giving me any information?", Gary yells at Ash.

"Hey man, calm down, I went to see Brock, but in the end, realized, he too was one of the many people who betrayed me", Ash says softening his voice. Gary's expression quickly changes, to sad. Sometime later, Ash and Gary reach Pallet Town. That night Ash barely had any sleep. In the Morning, Ash woke up and got ready. He put on a new pair of dark brown trousers, a black shirt on the inside, a blue shirt with red buttons, a red signature cap and a dark blue overcoat with a hood. He went down to have his breakfast.

A/N: I'm not at all good at editing😅

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A/N: I'm not at all good at editing😅. Artwork doesn't belong to me!

Previously, whenever he went on his journey, his mom, was curious, excited and anxious. This time, she was confident, she knew it from her heart, that this time, Ash was going to win. Ash collected his Pokéballs and attached them to his belt. He then signaled Pikachu, to come onto his shoulder. As Ash went out, his mother followed him out. After they were out, Ash turned back.

"Bye Mom", Ash says, smiling.

"Bye dear, take care", Delia tells Ash, before he releases his Pidgeot and sets forth to his new journey.

Ash Ketchum restarted his journey, this time, to become the world's strongest trainer.

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