Chapter Sixteen

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Finding Baylee

Chapter Sixteen

                                               Saturday 2nd of August – Maine USA

"No you can't"

"Yes I can"




"Fucking hell Daniel, yes I can I am racing whether you like it or you don't"

"Fucking hell Baylee, get it through your head, I don't give a shit if you scar is heeled, I don't care if you think your well, you are not racing it was only six days ago, when you took the bandage off"

"And its fine, Look" I say lifting up my shirt showing the scar, it's doesn't have a bandage anymore, and it's closed up once again. But its looks better than it ever has before. I look back at him he is staring at it, like it's the first time he has ever seen a scar before. "Danny" I say walking closer to him "you're either with me or you're not, but I am doing this"

I walk over to the door, waiting for him to follow me "fuck" I hear him mumble making me smile. "Let's go" he say handing me a helmet. I smirk taking it and hopping on the motorbike. 


"Baylee" I see Darryl, seeing my outfit, "racing" he ask, I nod. "Good luck princess I know one person who wants to race ya" he say nodding his head towards Andy.

I smirk "How about we kick his ass than" I say, making him laugh nodding.

"You rock princess" he laughs letting me though.  

"The Kings in the house" We turn around seeing Trey and Taylor. I look a little to the left seeing Hayley, smiling looking around.

"What you doing here Hay" I ask; she grins running over to me.

"I have never seen you race, nor have I ever been here, it's so cool Bay" She smiles, I laugh hugging her.

"Bring my best friend to the tract Tay" I shake my head making him smirk at me. "I have to get ready" I say, walking away from them.

 Half way up to Jim house when I feel an arm go around my shoulders seeing Andy, I roll my eyes "racing Bay-Baby" he ask, I move his arm.

"Yer, I am" I say smirking, he narrows his eyes at me. Suddenly I am pushed against the brick wall, beside me. He puts his lips near my ear.

"Watch it Beautiful, might end up like ya brother" he whispers.

I push him away "how the fuck do you know about my brother." I ask

He smirks stepping closer, placing his hands on my hips "Babe, you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him. Admit it Baylee, your may of acted like a shank doesn't mean you actually are" he smirking.

"I am no shank"

"Sure, I mean every 15 year old can say they dated a 17 year old" He laughs, I shake my head begin to walk away, but stopped by a hand, "Babe, don't walk away" he growls.

"Let me go" I say ripping my hand out of his grip and walking to Jim house.

Before you start complain about, this let me explain.

My brother introduced us as they are the same age, and my uncle was friends with Andy father, so I being 15 and him being 17 wasn't a problem. So if you're going to call me a shank to, or a slut, whore whatever you want to call me. You should know I am a virgin, I never slept with him.

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