Chapter Twenty

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Finding Baylee

Chapter Twenty

                                                        Friday 8th of August – Maine USA


He walked out the door, and that's when I broke down, little does he know I think I feel the same way. I feel like I need to run after him. My brain was telling me while my heart was telling me yes. Yet I still don't know what to choice it's like there is a devil and an angel sitting on my shoulders.

I wipe away the tears walking out of the door, seeing two people I thought I got rid of for the awhile, but I am guessing I guessed wrong. I watch as she throws herself on to Danny, my Danny not hers. He chose me and I am in no mood to keep clam. She leans in. "What are you doing here" I ask, she jumps back.

"And if it isn't the Hoe herself." Gemma glares.

"Call me a Hoe one more time and watch what happens" I say stepping closer to her. She freezes. "Why are you here" I ask once again.

" um go swimming" She say stepping back and walking away. I grin a little looking at Danny.

I smile at him "I would say let's go swimming but its infected now" I say watching as Gemma steps in the water. He laughs "Want to go for a walk" I ask, he looks at me nodding.

                                                                             Jason Farmer

I watch as Baylee walks off with Daniel, do I even have a chance I am only here for her. I have liked her since I saw here. I never sent her the details for the date, everyone heard about what happened. With them two and it wasn't the right time.

I don't think I will get it now but I will never give up on getting my girl. I know everything will be fine if Daniel doesn't tell her the story.

                                                                            Gemma Jamieson

I knock on the door of Jason Farmer new kid. Has a massive crush on Baylee Johnson, only she can't see it. "Can I help you?"

"Yes, I want you to come with me; I need someone to distract Baylee while I get Daniel. I get my man and you get your girl Deal" I ask, he stares at me confused, before agree 

It was way too easy and was kind of sad, but I got what I wanted until Baylee came out and started going muscle woman on me. I mean she used words, would it be like muscle word women, or something.

I scream as I face plant it in the water.


We walk down the running track, I look over at Daniel, seeing a tattoo on his rib cage, how have I missed that "Why did you stop" he ask, I look up realizing I have stopped walking.

I step forwards "You have a tattoo" I ask, he looks down nod. I lift my hand running my hand over it. 'Love the days ahead of you not behind you'

"I got it a few years ago it means not to live in the past, and love the days that are coming. I learnt that the hard way. I never wanted to let my brother go, but I...I had to. It made me realize how little life is, and if you keep living in the past your life will be gone before you have a chance to see what's right in front of you" He say I look up at him, while he grabs my hand.

"What Happened?" I ask

"He died, he was shot from a boy, and my mum was in hospital with Demi, when Damien and I went to collect the money, for the Farmer family. Dam told me to stay in the car. But I didn't listen I followed him, when they were doing the deal. But a boy my age came out and I knew it was the farmer's son. He was holding at gun. Yelling something, I still don't know what. Jason was pointing the gun at me and I heard the gun shot, but I didn't feel any pain. When I open my eyes, Damien was laying on the ground blood everywhere."  I look at him seeing a tear running down his face. I lean up kissing the tear away.

"Jason, as in Jason" I ask a little shocked. He nods. "What did you do" I ask

"I got my revenge, I made sure he was punished for what he did, and believe me he is a very lucky person. He should be ever happy he is walking. I nearly killed him Baylee. I wasn't supposed to touch him, because I got locked up, but he was sent away to be put in a better hospital and I...I was put in juvie for 2 years. When I got out I met Taylor."

"My parents have never been the same, they worked and were never home, Demi was raised by maids, and nanny's until I got out.  I can promise you I haven't hurt anyone for three years." He sigh pulling how the top of his shorts showing another tattoo. 'Falling apart and Finding...'

"It's not finished" I say looking at him confused.

"That's because I haven't found anyone to put together the part that disappeared." He says making me smile.

"When you find that person, make sure you come and tell me. I would love to see it finished" I smile.

"I would like that to" He say, I stare at him leaning up. I slowly place my lips against his. He was frozen for a moment before he kisses me back. The kiss was passionate and the best kiss I have had. He slowly starts taking control of the kiss which I really don't mind. I bring my arms wrapping them around his neck. While his arm goes around my waist I smile against his lips. I think I love him, but I also think I will never admit it.

He pulls back placing his lips on my neck slowly sucking making me give a small moan than he makes his way up my neck,  making his way up to my jar line. Than back to my lips, resting his forehead against mine, we are out of breath and our lips are red and swallow.

"We should probably get back" I whisper, he smiles nodding. He grabs my hand lacing out figures together and we walk our way back to the beach, seeing everyone lazing around. I let go of Danny, walking over to Taylor, he doesn't look happy. I kneel down near him. He looks at me.

"I understand, and I'm sorry for acting like I did, you just wanted to help. I really do understand" I say he looks at me kind of shocked and confused, before he grabs my arm pulling me into a hug,

"No I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that but I really love having you as my friend and I will try and do everything I can to not stuff up again." I smile hugging into him.  He pulls back looking around before grinning at me "So what did you two do out there" he smirk I roll my eyes.

"I listen while he talked, and I made sure I understood where he was coming from, I also realized just because someone doesn't look broken, doesn't mean they aren't on the inside." I say

"You love him" he whispers, I blush and he smirk "I knew it and I shipped it" He laughs

"Shipped it" I question

"Yep, I shipped it Danlee" I laugh

"What kind of name is Danlee" I laugh

"A cool name, its Danlee, unless you have a better name?" He asks but I shake my head laughing.

"God you just have to love you Tay" I say, he smiles.

"Of course you do" He rolls his eyes, like I was supposed to know that the whole time, and me being the mature girl I am I stick out my tongue standing up. He laughs as I walk away.

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