☆ ONE ☆

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today is the day . my first day of school . it's currently 6:00 AM and my alarm just went off . i reluctantly get out of bed and begin my morning routine .

i can't be late for school , so I throw a pop tart in the toaster and head out to catch my bus . i sit in the very back of the bus , pop my headphones in and wait impatiently to get to school .

* at school *

i walk sleepily to my locker to put my books away . i felt a presence behind me , before i could turn around i get taken off of my feet . lucky for me , it was jordan carter . before i could speak he grabs me by my shirt and pins me to the locker next to mine .

i heard a familiar voice from down the hallway . "that's enough jordan ." i turn to see rakim meyers and his sidekick tyler okonma .

jordan huffs and lets me go . rakim looks in my direction with sincere concern , "you aight man ?"

before i could answer tyler says something that caught me completely off guard .

"you down to join us for lunch ?"

"yea it would be pretty cool if you sat with us and the gang ." rakim adds .

"you guys are really inviting HIM to sit with us ?" jordan says .

i stare at the ground in embarrassment .

"meet us at the corner table . i'll introduce you to the rest of the guys ." rakim walks to his first class with an upset jordan and cheerful tyler behind him .

hope you all enjoyed the first chapter!

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