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i decide to text symere about this party, i was going with rakim and tyler originally but they ditched me last minute. apparently something came up.

Symere+** ®

9:23 PM, February 11.

goodnight jordy!

goodnight symere ** !++ 🦋

2:48 PM, February 12.

hey ! do  +** you +:) wanna go to ! a ++* party ?

sure, why not. when is it?

ok ! 🖤
it's at 8 ^ 🦋*+ want * - me . .$ 2 pick +:) you up *^ ! around . 6:45 to ++** grab something to + eat?

sounds good! see you then!

i shut my phone off happy that i now had someone to go with. i decided to hop on the game with my other boys and get ready later, it's only around 3.


so, i was invited to a party, with JORDAN. he invited ME, to a party. that's right, SYMERE WOODS to a party. why would he? i don't know. it's weird that i out of all people am going to a party. the normal me would lie about having other things to do to avoid social interaction. i figure that a party may be fun and jordan could be the person to change my perspective on parties.

the main issue i had with parties are simple. what to wear, what do people at parties even talk about and i'm just naturally antisocial. i'll try to socialize, and i'll just find an excuse to do anything else but socializing.

*hours later*

it is now 6:35, i decided on a white sex pistols tee, black denim jacket, light ripped denim pants and a pair of  black dr. martens. personally, i really liked my outfit. i decided to watch one punch man as i ate a bag of fruit snacks to pass time.

i hear the doorbell and i see that it's jordan. i open the door to see jordan with two bags of chick-fil-a. i smiled immediately and hugged him. "can i come in now nerd?" i lightly shove him and tell him to come inside.

*around 7:15*

we finished just finished watching a few episodes of one punch man and we decided to get up and leave now.


symere's outfit was actually pretty nice. in my opinion he looks nice in anything. like seriously. he could probably make overalls a fashion statement. i enjoyed that time with him over at his place.

right now we're in the car listening to nirvana on the way to this party. "symere?" i say putting my hand on his thigh to get his attention. "yes jordy?" he says. "these past two days i've actually enjoyed." symere sits upright in his seat looking at my hand that was now gripping his thigh. "oh, um sorry am i making you uncomfortable?"

he stares at me and shakes his head, "no it's okay, i'm sure." he put his hand on mine. he really has a hold on me.

*at 10:30*

we been at this party for some time now and symere is now crazy drunk. i thought he didn't even seem like the party type. i was even shocked he came with me, but i'm far more shocked at how much of a partier he is.

symere eventually stops dancing and offers me a drink, i take it and i sit down on the couch. he sits next to me and says "you're really attractive you know that?" i freeze at how bold he was being towards me.

he looks in my eyes, i grab his hand and reply "not until now, thank you. you're not bad looking yourself midget." he giggles and lays his head on my shoulder. i felt my stomach get tight due to being extremely nervous. i decide to let loose and hold his hand.

"jordy, you wanna get out of here?" he asks, i answer quickly "yes, u wanna go back to your place?" he shrugs and we decide to leave with his hand remaining in mine as we exit the party.

the story will speed up soon guys, the filler chapters will soon come to an end. vote and comment guys. until next chapter, bye! :D

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