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tyler and i met up at the mall. i decided to get symere a necklace with my name on it and a dior tee. tyler ended up getting rakim a pair of retro high travis scott jordan 1s.

we just finished buying bags to put their things in. and now we're in our own cars going our separate ways.

i just hoped symere would like the gifts because i know very little about what he's into.

i just wonder what me and symere even are. we seem like a couple but not a couple. it's confusing. i guess we're in the TALKING stage.

i pull into the drive way and i get out of the car to see the devil in the flesh: amethyst. i start to get back into my car until i hear "JORDAN WAIT.. it's important.. please just listen."

i let out a low sigh, "what do you want and make it quick." she walks up to me and i didn't like that at all.

"you can tell me from where u were originally standing." she looks hurt by my choice of words and backs up.

"jordan, i'll be honest. i miss you." i look at her angrily, "cool i don't miss you, is that it?" she begins to cry. i didn't care.

"jordan i came to tell you that i want to try things again." i begin to walk past her, "that's cute, but i do not wanna try things again." i say holding up my gift bags.

"y-you don't love me anymore?" i turn around to look her directly in her eyes "nope" i say popping the p.

she shoves me and yells "AFTER EVERYTHING I'VE DONE FOR YOU?!" i almost dropped my gifts from symere and that made me furious.

i pushed her back. she punched me in my face. i felt the anger i had grow even further.

i unlock my door and begin to walk inside. when i get angry it's hard for me to control myself.

before i could close the door and lock her outside she pushed her way inside of house. she closed the door behind her and kissed me.

i pushed her off of me immediately "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" i walk upstairs fuming and she was right behind me.

she punched me in my back and i was extremely angry. i pushed her back and yelled "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE."

i look and see her flip down the steps and soon land on her neck. my jaw dropped instantly, i was in shock.

i just killed amethyst.

i pick up my phone immediately and group call rakim and tyler. rakim picks up first and tyler does right afterwards.

"hey jordan, whats up man?" rakim says giving me a huge smile. tyler speaks after him "hey guys!" i look at the camera.

"come to my house. now." their smiles slowly fade from their faces. they nod and let me know they were on the way.

*15 minutes later*

i hear the doorbell ring to see rakim. i let him in. "jordan what's wrong?" i don't answer, i point to the body. rakim flinches at the sight.

"what happened jordan?" before i can answer i hear a knock on the door. i open it and tyler gives me a huge hug "hey, i'm here whats wrong?"

i step aside so he can see the body as i began to cry. tyler and rakim bring me into their arms. tyler soon asked what happened.

i wipe the tears off of my face and began to explain.

"she was here waiting for me. she tells me she misses me. i told her i dont miss her. she pushed me and punched me in the face. i knew i was getting angry and i tried to leave. i opened my door and she got in before i could close it.."

they nod and wait for me to continue. "she kissed me and i pushed her off of me and asked what her problem was. so i walked upstairs and she punched me again. all i wanted to do was push her back and get her away from me.. but she fell.."

rakim says he knows someone that he could pay to get rid of the body, it was just going to cost us some. i nod immediately wanting to get that body out of my house.

i hear the phone ring as he waits for someone to respond. after three rings "hey ferg, code 777."

him and rakim speak to one another for a brief few seconds and he hangs up the phone. "jordan it's all gonna be okay. he's going to help us alright? it's taken care of okay?"

i feel myself calming down and believing that rakim got it.

*an hour later*

i hear a knock at my door and rocky tells me it's ferg.

sorry that i've been slacking on updates, it's been hard with online school and trying to maintain grades. love u guys, vote and comment tehe. <3

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