☆ TEN ☆

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it was now saturday morning, 10:03 AM. i was soundly sleeping until i felt my phone vibrating. and vibrating. and vibrating. AND VIBRATING. did i mention that it was vibrating, if not, it was vibrating.

i groan and pick up my phone. as soon as i seen who it was my whole mood changed. it was my jordy.

"hello?" i sleepily say into the phone. "hey symere, did i wake you?"

i laugh to myself "no jordan of course you didn't." i said in a sarcastic tone "lets not forget that it is 10:00 in the morning chile."

he huffs "sorry, i just wanted to let you know i missed you." i smile, he's cute when he's mad "it's okay jordy i'm up now."

he soon asks me what i was doing today and let me know he was coming over around noon.

*time skip, 12:22 PM*

i was on the couch wearing an oversized black graphic tee, grey athletic shorts and black fuzzy socks. it was cold so i was about to grab a blanket and i heard my doorbell ring.

i slide towards the door on the hard wood floor. i look through the peep hole seeing that it was the company i expected.

i open the door and jordan had got us chick-fil-a. i smile inviting him inside. "you wanna play rocket league and eat in my room?" he nods and follows me upstairs.

after thirty minutes of jordan i playing we eventually lay in my bed. he grabs me by my waist and pulls me closer to him.

⚠️ mature content ahead ⚠️

i giggle feeling his hard member touching my ass. i begin moving causing more friction purposely.

he groans and i turn around to look in his eyes. he kisses me immediately tonguing me down. i moan into his mouth as our tongues fight for dominance.

he pulls me on top of him as he continues to tongue me down as i grind myself onto him. he breaks the kiss so he can remove my shirt.

he flips me on my back, so now he is on top of me. he soon removes his pants revealing his third leg. i gasp at the sight. he was huge.

he laughs at my reaction, taking off the rest of my clothes. he flips me on my stomach and i arch my back preparing for him to enter.

he teases my hole by rubbing his tip against it. he says to me "do you want it baby?" i nod my head pushing my ass against him desolate for his touch.

he grabs me by my neck "use your words symere. i asked, do you want it baby?" i answer him immediately "yes. i want it, please fuck me." getting more and more desperate for his touch by the second.

he pushes himself roughly into me. i scream "fuck!" feeling him rearranging my guts. he groans and smacks my ass. "you feel so good." he says while plowing into me planting soft kisses on my neck.

i bite my lip trying to hide my moans. he grabs my neck and growls in my ear "let me hear you symere." as he continues to wreck my tight hole.

i let loose letting the sounds escape my mouth. this feeling was almost euphoric. he slaps my ass getting rougher with me causing me to yell.

"daddy i-i'm about to-" he slaps my ass once more, "hold it." he answers me with a demanding tone.

"i- i can't" he grips my neck tighter "i said hold it." he says as he pounds my insides. my stomach begins to tighten and my moans get louder and louder as i begin to reach my high.

he grabs my cock and begins jerking me off. "go ahead and cum for me baby." i moan loudly as i explode onto his hand.

he continues to stroke me soon releasing himself into my hole. he groans to himself "fuck.."

i collapse onto my bed huffing and puffing after he pulls out of me. he chuckles to himself putting the comforter over us after he hops into bed. "goodnight symere."

i respond "goodnight? it is the afternoon jordan." feeling him snuggle close to me. "i said goodnight." i chuckle to myself, "goodnight jordy."

truth be told, that was the best sex i have ever had.


i truly hate it here. this house is so chaotic all of the time and for no reason. i don't understand why everyone has to be so mean to one another all of the time.

i hear a door slam and something shatter against the hard wood floor. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! YOU'RE SUCH A SELF CENTERED IDIOT!!"

i tune them out putting on my headphones and listening to something that was actually worth my while. i soon text rakim that i wanted to go to the ice skating rink with him.

i change into a warm outfit for me to wear out. and i call myself an uber.

*at the skating rink*

i decide look on my phone as i wait for rakim and i looked at today's date.

"february 13th, 2020"

VALENTINES DAY IS TOMORROW??? i began to panic simply because i had no gift for rakim. i call jordan.

"jordan, can you valentine's day shop with me? valentine's day is TOMORROW and i'm freaking out." he gasps over the phone.

he whisper yells into the phone "what? tomorrow? today is the 13th?" i respond with a nervous "y-yeah."

he tells me "yes, we can go tonight around 7 or 8 okay?" i sigh in relief "yes, thank y-" i soon was cut off "woah woah woah. who are you shopping for?" i mentally face palm.

"i forgot to tell you, rakim and i date now. he liked me too, he's bi apparently but never told anyone. don't even tell him i told you." i say very quickly looking around for rakim and making sure he didn't hear me.

jordan lets me know he understands and won't say anything about me and rakim to anyone. we made plans to go to the mall.

soon after that rakim shows up, "hey bighead." i punch him in his head "u roach in the face ass bitch u scared me." i say to him soon letting out a huff afterwards.

"c'mon ty that was funny calm down." i fold my arms and turn away from him. he might not be getting shit. i will definitely just tag along with jordan and watch him pick out nice stuff for symere.

i soon suck up my attitude, "it's cool," i give him a $10 bill "go grab my skates. i'll be waiting over there." i soon point to a table.

he puts the $10 in his pocket and plants a kiss on my cheek, "whatever you say beautiful." i cheese at him and hug him soon letting him go so he can go and get our shoes.

that was honestly my first time writing smut. i hate it so much but whatever. hope you enjoyed this chapter, vote and comment. bye! <3

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