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symere has been shooting me all kinds of calls and texts tonight. i just couldn't do it right now. valentine's day is tomorrow and tonight has been absolute shit.

ferg and rakim were conversing amongst themselves as tyler and i decided to eat chips and watch t.v.

i hear rustling and i turn to see ferg bagging her up. it hurt to see her like that. yes, i strongly disliked her for everything she had put me though but, she didn't deserve death. nobody does.

"jordan please just listen to me. it wasn't your fault. you didn't mean to. please stop beating yourself up about it."

"it just hurts that her last moments were like that."

he hugs me and reminds me once again it wasn't my fault and it was all over.

they agreed to stay the night with me to make sure i was alright. i head upstairs to my room. i decide text symere that i was doing something and i couldn't get to my phone.

i let him know i'd see him tomorrow to give him his things and to spend time with him.

i love symere so much, eventually i'll let him in on my current situation, just not now. i am far from ready to explain that for the third time.


something seems off with jordan. he always answers me. but he has never gave me a reason not to trust him.

it was pretty late and i don't see the need to pry. i'm not tired though so i decide to call my friend navraj. he's always awake at this time and he's a really good friend.

he moved away a year ago because his mother and father had a family issue. we agreed to keep in contact with one another and it's gone fairly well. he hasn't changed a bit since he left.

"NAAAAVVVVV!" i scream into the phone after observing he had airpods in.

"SHUT UP DAMN! WHY ARE YOU YELLING?" he yells jerking the earbuds out of his ears. i laugh to myself before responding, "THE SAME REASON YOU'RE YELLING! BECAUSE I CAN!"

we laugh aloud and catch up with one another. soon nav asks "so, that jordan boy still bothering you or what?"

that caught me off guard. i answer truthfully, "nope he isn't. we're sort of kind of a thing. i don't know how to describe what we are."

he laughs and i soon after ask what's so funny. "YOU FINALLY GOT YOUR MAN!"

i smile to myself, the words 'your man' made my face warm up. nav twists his face up at the screen "YOU GEEKING LOOK AT YOU! ALL SMILEY AND SHIT!"

i turn my camera off feeling slightly embarrassed. he laughs harder "calm down. oh my god, i'm playing with you." he says rolling his eyes.

i turn my camera back on and flip him off making us both laugh. we decided to hop on the game and play fort.

we stayed up playing for hours and had the time of our lives.

*2 hours later*

nav and i finally got off due to it being extremely late. i turn my led lights on red before playing some music.

i scroll on instagram and i see a post on rakim's finsta. it was of him and tyler making silly faces. the caption made me chuckle, "you bring out the best and worst in me."

i see tyler's comment and i laughed harder "hm.. funny how you only bring out the worst in me."

i noticed something familiar in the photo. the picture on the wall was in jordan's house. i swipe to the next photo to see a frowning jordan in the corner.

he looked like he was panicking. part of me wanted to wait on him to tell me if he was alright or not, the other part wanted to know now so i can instantly try to make it better.

if i were to text him i'd look like i was stalking him. i didn't want to make it seem like i was being obsessive.

jordan soon texts me that he's picking me up around 5:00 so we can go to dinner.

i like that he takes me out, the past two men i've dated in the past were down low. it was torture to me. i like being shown off a lot i just never show it.

i get out of my bed and decide to pick out my outfit for tomorrow.

5 minutes turned to 10. soon 10 turned into 15. unfortunately 15 turned into 20. before i knew it an hour and a half had passed and i had nothing.

tonight was going to be a rough night.

hope y'all are enjoying the book for right now. i'm still working on the plot, so there may be changes. anyways, like, comment & share!

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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