☆ TWO ☆

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*at lunch*

i'm sitting at the lunch table with rakim and tyler . ive calmed down by now until I see that midget symere . why does he have to sit with us anyways . nobody likes him with his perfect face , his perfect hair and his perfect life ! i don't know why he thinks he's any better than the rest of us ..

"you good bro ? whatcha thinking about over there ?" rakim asks bringing me back to reality .

"it's nothin bro, im just tired " i say .

"tired of not getting any cheeks ! oh well speak of the devil , look who it is !" tyler shouts as he's pointing at symere who is now coming our way .

"yo what's good home slice ! it's good to see ya ." tyler says as he gives symere a tight squeeze .

"chill tyler, give the man some space ." rakim says , giving symere a little smile.

"maybe if you squeeze him hard enough , the little twerp will pop ." i seethe .

maybe i like symere a little . i don't know for sure though . i've never had feelings for a guy before so i don't know how to even express how i feel .

i only act the way i act towards him just to have an encounter with him . but i don't think that was a very good idea due to the fact it'd be hard to even become friends with him .

maybe that's for the best though . if i let anybody know i was gay my reputation would be completely shattered .

i snap out of my thoughts and decide to attempt to talk to him tomorrow when he gets off of the bus .

"hey guys , i'ma go use the bathroom . see you next class ty !" i send a wave to symere hoping to get a wave back , he just continued to eat his food.

hope you enjoyed, feel free to vote and comment. will be getting more active. <3

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