☆ SIX ☆

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symere and i just finished our meals at ihop, i decided to pay for his food . it's the right thing to do . i forgot that we had school and barely had enough time to make it . "symere , we have to go ." he looks up at me, "oh , okay . why the sudden sense of urgency ?" i pick up my phone showing the time making symere's eyes widen .

we ran practically flew out of ihop, i opened his door for him shutting it after he got in. i hopped into the driver's seat and i put my food to the pedal almost instantly.

*20 minutes later*

it is now 8:02 and we are just arriving. i park in my usual parking space and wake symere up letting him know we're here. every part of me wanted to let him rest, he looked so peaceful. i hop out of the car and open his door, i've never done that for anyone besides him.

i give him a hug, "sy i'll see you around okay? sorry i lost track of time. i'll make it up to you okay?" he looks at me and tells me, "no need to do all of that it's fine." i already made up my mind though, nothing he said could change that.


jordan is such a sweet guy. i have never took the time to address the feelings i have towards jordan. truly, it sucked to have a crush on the boy who bullied me constantly. i'm glad things aren't like that anymore. i can have talks with him like normal people now. from how he treated me today, i have came to the conclusion that we can be friends.

i tried denying that i liked him for too long. in my opinion we are better off as friends. i get attached quickly and it's hard for me to unlatch when i get there. i have done everything in my power to avoid intimacy of any kind with anyone. i just hope i can at least keep him as a friend and not end up pushing him away.

*hours later, the lunch bell rings*

i walk down the hallway and put my books in my locker. i feel a presence, before i can address it my eyes are shielded. i hear "guess who it is?" i smile to myself knowing it was jordan. "hmm.. mother is that you?" we both laugh and he removes his hands from my face.

we began walking to the school's cafeteria. he's so playful and goofy all of the time. it's one of my favorite qualities of his. there's never a dull moment when he's around. well, technically when he would attack the shit out of me there was. but things are changing now. with him being a friend of mine my life began to feel brighter.

we sit at the table with tyler and rakim. i liked how their personalities bounced off of one another's. i talk more when i warm up to everybody. not like they were a tough crowd to fit in with, they were very accepting and easy to vibe with. i'm just simply a quiet person. i normally spend most of lunch working on homework and listening to music.

rakim says "so sy, you're not much of a talker are you?" tyler sends a blow to rakim's shoulder "rakim. why would you even say something like that. he's adjusting to us, we just met him god." rakim scoffs and takes another bite of his pizza "i didn't even mean it like you're making it seem." i finally speak up and say "i can be more talkative truly, sorry i just was working."

tyler punches rakim again "you come off too aggressive, he's literally apologizing for something he doesn't need to be apologizing for in the first place." jordan stands up and slams his fist on the table. "you are all acting like children. let symere settle in rakim and tyler there's no reason to get physical."

i just sit and listen as the three continue to go at it and chuckle a bit. "they can be so hostile sometimes" i say to myself. they look at me and i began to feel flushed thinking they would yell at me too. a long pause goes on, soon they are laughing and realized how they were overreacting towards one another.

sorry for all of these filler chapters, we're going to get further soon i promise. <3

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