☆ FIVE ☆

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i'm extremely nervous about taking a boy out , but i shouldn't be . it's not a date or anything .
"so uh , you want to turn on something you like ?" i ask referring to the radio . symere looks up at me and nods , handing me his phone to connect it to my car .


i shiver some as i give jordan my phone . i'm afraid a notification from one of my hoe friends will pop up , or one of my nosey ones asking about him .

he hands my phone back fortunately with no notifications going through to surprise him . now the issue is : what do i play ?

i don't wanna play anything that he'll call trash . I'll honestly be bummed about it . i decided on playing some frank ocean simply because that's how I was feeling, you can never go wrong with frank.

jordan turns his head to me as the song begins, he sings along. "round your city, round the clock." i look at him in shock that he knew the song. "you listen to frank jordan?" he begins to sing loudly holding my face "everybody needs you! no, you can't make everybody equal!"

i smile to myself feeling butterflies form in my stomach. he can just be so cute at times.

i decided to join him because what could go wrong right ? "although you got beaucoup family. you don't even got nobody being honest with you !"

*10 minutes later*

i didn't expect for us to vibe out how we did , he actually knew who frank was and took extreme interest to his music . we're now getting out of the car and we arrived at ihop .

jordan got out of the car and rushing to my door . he stumbles a little and clears his throat . i laugh a little as he opens my door for me .

"you're sweet , you know that ?" i say to jordan though being bold was way out of my comfort zone. i stare at the ground immediately. he looks at me and smiles "i try, i definitely try."

we walk inside of ihop and we were automatically seated due to jordan making reservations.

when we were seated i felt jordan staring at me . i decided to look up and we made eye contact . his eyes moved from my eyes to my lips . my face was getting very warm and the butterflies in my stomach began to intensify .

"jordan ?" i say waking him out of his daze . "yes ?" he responds shakily . the waitress came and asked us what we wanted to eat .

i cleared my throat , "i'll take the t-bone steak and eggs combo , with an orange juice please ."

we might have been having a moment , i just was too naive to realize it at the time .

jordan says his order and looks at me again . after the waitress leaves he speaks up, "i wanted to tell you that , you look nice today . i just choked and didn't know how to say it but i figured it's best to be straightforward right ."

i smiled to myself. "thank you. you look nice too." i felt my cheeks warm up and i thought to myself that my day was just getting better and better.

a little bit of a filler chapter and i apologize for how slow this story is moving fr guys- anyways, vote and comment! :D

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