☆ NINE ☆

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i clear my throat. "i'm sorry, you're not necessarily bothering me. it's something concerning you that's bothering me."

rakim tilts his head, "ty, just tell me." i look down at the table feeling extremely nervous. he continues, "ty, you've always told me everything. c'mon. it's been this way since middle school."

i decide to continue to stall. i look at him as i shove a spoon of cookie dough ice cream in my mouth.

i began to feel anxious and overwhelmed. my head starts to spin as i think about how to say what i had to say. i feel lightheaded and my vision begins to blur.


i began to grow irritated at tyler's stalling. "tyler. can you just-" i hear a loud thump on the table. i felt myself getting further frustrated, "what are you doing bro-"

i look up to see tyler's face in his ice cream. "ty? hello.." i poke him in the head getting no response "TYLER!!" i feel the ice cream parlor stare at my table.

right now, i didn't even care. i was focused on getting him together. i call jordan right away.

"jordan, please come to two scoops, now." he scoffs at me "why are you like this? oh my god. this better be an emergency."

i stare in disbelief into the phone clicking the facetime button, he picks up the second ring. i instantly flip the camera showing him our friend's face in his ice cream.

"get in the car now" i say continuing to show this was urgent. i see him grab his keys and he begins speeding.

i hang up instantly panicking and wondering if he was okay.

*15 minutes later*

we are now at the hospital and they confirmed that he fainted and that he was alright. a wave of relief flowed throughout my body.

jordan asks me "what even happened man?" i look at tyler checking if he was waking up before i told him what happened.

"well, he said he had to tell me something. i asked him to tell me. i look down at my ice cream waiting for him to let me know what was up."

jordan nods signaling me to continue. "i hear a thud. naturally not expecting it to be his face hitting the table i ask what he was doing and i look up to see him knocked."

he laughs at my response, "you never even bothered to take bro's face out of the ice cream bowl."

i scoff at his smart remark, "getting his face out of his food wasn't my greatest concern at the moment."

jordan's phone began to ring. he looks at it and smiles to himself. i clear my throat obnoxiously loud on purpose. he signals me to shush. i twist my face up flipping him off.

his face lights up further "there was an emergency with tyler i'm sorry i left without telling you. u looked like such a peaceful little garden gnome and i didn't wanna wake you."

he pauses, and laughs at the mystery person's remark back. "alright, i'll call you as soon as i drop rakim and tyler off."

i see tyler wake up just as jordan was getting off of the phone.

i rush over to him embracing him in a hug. "god i was so worried." he looks around scanning his surroundings. "what even happened rakim?"

"you fainted."i respond following a yawn. it was pretty late now. i check my phone and it was 2:06 AM.

we check tyler out of the hospital and jordan takes us to my car so i can take tyler home.

*in rakim's car*

"ty, i'll let you share what you wanted to share with me whenever you're ready." i say just wanting to make it clear i didn't want to pressure him.

he scratches his head "i got all of the nerves out now, i don't see why i should wait." he nonchalantly states.

"you sure? i don't wanna seem like i'm prying." i sincerely tell him.

he looks me in my eyes "yes rakim, i'm sure."  "okay, go whenever." i said reply shakily to his statement.

"well, you're obviously aware i'm gay. i mean, i'm pretty sure it's not a secret." i nod "yeah, of course, what about it?"

he sighs, "you all know i'm gay, but not the male i'm attracted to." i reply "yeah who is-"

"rakim. it's obviously you gosh. do you not see how i look i at you? how i always want to be around you? how your compliments make me literally melt? how i despise every girl that even looks at you?" he spat obviously annoyed that i was this clueless.

i look at him in shock due to what i was being told. truly, i was closeted, i am bisexual. i don't know what made me so scared to share that, especially with tyler of all people.

he's one of the most trust worthy and sweet guy. i don't know why it took him expressing his feelings for me to see that.

"well tyler, if we're being honest. i like you too. i think you should be asking yourself the same questions you asked me. but at the same time i never let you know i wasn't straight."

his eyes widen. "you never told me. why?" i respond "you were the first guy i ever had feelings for. yes i have found guys attractive before but you were more than just a pretty face to me tyler." i answered truthfully resulting on his cold demeanor to change.

"i truly didn't want to lose you ty." i continued. he says "well, you didn't and i'm still here." he says reassuring me.

he kisses my cheek and i quickly feel myself become flustered. i stare at him and decided to ask "do you wanna try things.. you know.. with us?"

he shows me a huge toothy smile "YES! I WOULD LOVE THAT!" i return one receiving a kiss on my lips afterwards.

i got him. i got the man i wanted. i truly felt that i could cry right now, but pretty flacko doesn't cry.

they really do be cute doe. anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter. feel free to vote and comment. bye guys. <3

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