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A/N: This part is dedicated to @zionwilsion because he did the video edit in the media and I wanted everyone to see it because it is so cool. 😍😍 Also - I've finally seen Far From Home (and I LOVED IT)


"Why did you let me do it?"

Everything was dark. Jessica couldn't see or feel anything around her. She didn't know where she was but she kept hearing something, murmurs. 

"I miss him."

"We won Mr Stark."

"I... am... Iron Man."

She heard the voices but she did not recognize where they had come from.

"You let him die."

Another one said and she tried to run away from them. She tried to run but it felt like she wasn't moving at all. It was then when she heard the loudest of the voices.

"You let me die."

And she recognized it. She turned around to find the person whom it had come from.

Tony... She tried to say but the words couldn't leave her mouth. I didn't-

She blinked and his image became different. Half of his face was burned, his regard was lost in the distance. Jessica tried to scream - yet, it was pointless. Nothing she said was going to change it. What's more, it was far too late for her to say anything.


Jessica woke up gasping for air and soaked in sweat. She immediately got out of bed and stood in the middle of her room, staring at her bed while her breath was still heavy. As she calmed down, she realized it'd been just a dream. She sat down on the edge of her bed, resting her elbows on her legs and supporting the weight of her head with her hands.

Another night, another nightmare. It had been like that almost every night from the past eight months. This one had felt even more real than the prior. Sometimes it was just voices, other times just the image of the last time she saw Tony. She had told Pepper about the nightmares. She also dreamt about her husband, almost every night. However, Pepper's dreams were just nostalgic. Jessica's were filled with guilt. Her adoptive mother often told her it wasn't her fault. Jessica understood that. She knew everything went down the way it was supposed to. It wasn't the first time she had dreamt that and she knew it wouldn't be the last. She knew it wasn't true. Tony knew what he was doing and she respected his decision even though it meant she'd lose him. She let him do it because she loved him.

Yet, even if she told herself that over and over again, the nightmares never stopped. And this last one had felt different.

She sat straight on her bed as she noticed the tears that had formed in the corner of her eyes. She looked at the alarm clock in her nightstand. 2:38 am. She knew that even if she tried to go back to sleep she wasn't going to achieve it.


A small silhouette appeared hiding behind the door while it slowly opened. Morgan came into the room and even though it was dark, Jessica could feel the concern coming from the toddler's voice.

"Oh... Hi Morgan, did I wake you up?" Jessica tried to sound as calm as possible, although her heart was still racing.

The child nodded as she approached her. "What are you doing? It's too late to be up..."

"I just-" Jessica answered. "I had a nightmare, that's all."

Now that the little girl was standing in front of her, Jessica could see her face better. Morgan tilted her head. "Do you want me to keep you company?"

Jessica couldn't help but smile. "Would you do that for me?"

The five-year-old nodded again.

"Thanks Moorguna." She laid down on her bed again, leaving space for the child. "Let's go back to bed, we have school tomorrow."

Morgan wrapped her short arms around her older sister, laying with their eyes closed. Just a minute after, she opened her eyes again and looked at Jessica. She couldn't sleep.


"What?" She mumbled.

"Are you asleep?"


Morgan smiled in the darkness. She knew her sister was lying. "No, you're not."

"C'mon Morgan, go to sleep."

"Can you tell me a bedtime story?" Jessica wouldn't open her eyes yet, hoping for the little girl to let it go and go back to sleep.

She opened one eye. "I can still sell your toys, you know?" Morgan had got used to her stories. They were nothing special, just anecdotes of her fighting small criminals in the streets of New York City. She tried to change the more violent parts to make it appropriate for a child. But Morgan seemed to enjoy them either way.

"Please..." Morgan asked with her lips pursed. Jessica couldn't resist the look on her face.

"Okay, which story do you want me to tell?"

The five-year-old sat down. "Do you know any Spider-Man stories?"

"Yeah, sure. Let me think..." Jessica's mouth curved into a small grin as she thought of something to tell her. Morgan had become a huge Spider-Man fan and she'd always ask Jessica about him.

"I wish Peter was here to tell it." She suddenly said and Jessica looked at her confused.

"Why do you say that?"

Morgan shrugged her shoulders. "Cuz he's Spider-Man."

Jessica's mouth dropped open. She wasn't sure about what to do: if to deny it to the little girl or to ask her how she knew about that. The five-year-old looked at her while expecting her story. Jessica shook her head and focused. She was going to try and keep it neutral before revealing anything to Morgan. Even if she had guessed the truth, it wasn't up to her to tell Peter's secret. "You- Where did you hear this?"

"I saw him in the news and he had the same voice." She simply said. She had to be the only one who had noticed. And if there were more people suspecting, they wouldn't say anything about it. "Also I heard uncle Happy call him Spider-Man when they were talking on the phone."

She sounded like her mind was made up. Even if Jessica tried to convince her that it wasn't true, she wouldn't believe her. Jessica would have to tell Peter about this the next day, this was concerning. Still, she was astonished at how bright her little sister was. "I think you're the smartest one here." She told her, her voice filled with honesty. "But then, of course, you're your father's daughter."

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