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There was a huge storm in the middle of London. A storm with a head and arms. The more they approached it, the better they could see what was actually happening. There were lighting and thunder along with gusts of wind that had everyone running in panic. Peter was sticking onto the outside of the plane and Jessica was holding onto his neck. She really hoped they'd move on with the plan quickly. 

"Are you guys in position?" Happy asked through their earpiece.

"Yeah!" Both heroes replied. Jessica feared that her hands were going to slip off from how sweaty they were.

"I'm gonna approach it. Stay sticky." Happy turned the plane around and got closer to the hurricane. Even though it was all fake, the wind felt pretty real and was starting to bother Jessica.

"Oh- and Happy" Peter suddenly said. "We need to have a serious conversation about you and my aunt." 

"What was that about?" She asked him, not knowing where had that come from.

"I'll tell you later."

Jessica let out a scream when he let go without a warning. They started plummeting over the city and the girl tightened her grip around the hero's neck. "I wasn't ready for that!"

"Take out the parachute!" He told her and she followed his demand. The bag on her back opened and the small parachute in the simplified shape of a spider flew out. It wasn't very practical and it only stopped their speed of falling, but that was enough. 

They were getting closer to the ground and they were descending almost vertically. Peter then opened two wings that he had added to his suit, going all the way from the inside of his arms to his sides. That action prevented them from falling any further and they flew directly in the hurricane's direction.

"It's not real!" He repeated to himself as they dived inside the illusion. "It's not real!"

Once they got in, Jessica let go of Peter and used her powers to levitate while Peter clung onto one of the drones. "Hey! Turns out you make a good surfboard." She told him as they looked around them to find all the drones making up Beck's trickery. 

"Wow, that's awesome!"

"Peter! Focus!"

He started shooting his webs, connecting all the drones. Jessica helped him by pulling them closer together and making sure they got as many as possible. 

"I hope this works." Peter pressed a button on his web-shooter and the webs tased all the drones. Soon enough, the illusion started to fail, but Beck had way too many drones for them to take them down one by one.

As the fake cloud intermittently dissipated, Jessica spotted Mysterio in the upper walkway of the Tower Bridge. Both of the teens made their way there, Jessica used her powers to impulse herself and Peter jumped from drone to drone. However, one of the robots shot Peter down, making him fall to the road on the lower part of the bridge. Jessica, all the same, kept flying in his direction and broke through the glass window of the upper walkway, taking Beck by surprise.

"EDITH, give me some protection."

"It'd better give you a protective cup this time." She said before running towards him, ready to fight him. But just like Peter, before she could reach him, the drones hovering next to Beck shot her and pushed her off the hallway. 

She fell on the road, surrounded by more drones. Peter ran next to her. "Jessica! What are you doing?! I need help with the drones!"

Suddenly, a group of them started to chase them down. Peter started shooting webs everywhere to run away from them. Jessica ran as well, creating energy shields to cover herself from the lasers being shot at her. While flying after them, some of the drones collapsed against each other and were destroyed. Some others were thanks to Jessica, who manipulated the radiation around them to make them explode. There were too many and they were everywhere. The illusion wasn't there anymore and she had the impression that Mysterio had killed it in order to prioritize the robots' attention in ending them.

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